An Angel's Jealousy ❦

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Basically, "Gabriel" gets jealous of your friendship with an old childhood friend.

Okay still I really need to have a schedule..Right now the uploads are inconsistent but I'll decide when should I upload or such. Love y'all!

(F/N) means Friend Name btw

I feel like I made Gabriel ooc-

~"Gabriel"'s POV~

After that amazing date in the forest last week, I hung out more with the love of my life than with my alternates. Still, I managed to be there for them when (Y/N) was not here.

I could tell they were being jealous (especially Six..), but I always reassure them that I would not abandon them for love and that I'll still be there for them. They just have to remember that a new member is in the house..or...mansion in this case.

Now I was curious..What would jealousy be like?

Well in my mind, I know (Y/N) won't leave me for someone. So it's unlikely that I wouldn't get jealous over that.

Or so I thought...

Me and (Y/N) sat on the couch, reading a book together and talking about its beautiful book cover and the subject, as well as the characters of the story.

(Y/N) moved and snuggled closer to me and I can always tell you that the comfort and relief from that was intense like always. I love it when my dove does that. I leaned in and gave her a kiss on her head to return the affection.

Suddenly, her phone rang, startling me a little bit. (Y/N) grabbed it and looked at it. It read out a name that was called..(F/N)? Who were they?

"Excuse me, Gabriel.", (Y/N) awkwardly said as she got up, kissed me on the nose, and went to a quiet private spot to have a conversation on the phone. I was curious so I decided to well..what's that word? Eavesdrop the conversation.

That sounds like an invasion of privacy. But I'm just curious on who's this (F/N)..

So I silently walked to the spot where (Y/N) stood, talking on the phone, and I could hear very clearly on what they were talking about.

"(F/N)! I missed you!", she exclaimed in a happy tone. "I miss you too, (Y/N)! How's the whole moving-into-Wisconsin-thing going?", (F/N) asked her. "Ugh, it's going fantastic! I love it already.", (Y/N) responded with exaggeration.

"I have met new people! Made a ton of friends. The job that I got was amazing! A lot of the workers and customers there are so nice! I don't know about the boss but I'm sure he'll get used to me!" (Y/N) was basically talking about how she is doing here in general.

"What about you, (F/N)? How are you doing?", she asked, possibly wondering about her old friend's well being. "Ah. Well I know it's been months since you moved out but me and your other buddies still miss you. But we're glad to know that you are doing absolutely okay!", (F/N) responded with a cheery tone, similar to my dove's personality.

"It's okay, (F/N). Just remember, even if we are apart, the bond between us will never go away, no matter what.", (Y/N) reassured them. "Heh. Thanks, girl. Oh, by the way..Don't mind me asking this but uh..Have you met someone that like?" That question sort of got me and possibly (Y/N) off guard.

Well, I did and I should you say now." I was a little surprised she was referring to me. It was adding a bit comfort onto my overthinking mind.

"Oooh! Who is this person?", (F/N) asked in a..weird tone, making me feel....disgusted. But I kept on listening. "Well..He's an angel. Like..a complete angel..And he's an amazing gentleman. A total sweetheart that my heart beats when I see him. He provides me with warmth, comfort, and love. A very compassionate imperfect being who would rather put my happiness ahead of everything else."

Okay that response just instantly gave me so much more than just comfort. I felt flattered that she said all of those things. Just..I'm really..well happy that she was being honest about me. I work very hard to make my dove, my (Y/N) happy and safe. She is amazing, as well as humorously quirky and funny too.

And I won't let anyone take her away from me.

"Aw it's very cool that you've got someone that cares for you!", (F/N) responded. "Yeah. But still he's not the only one that cares about me obviously.", (Y/N) said with a kind smile on her face. "Well, I gotta go! I'll call you later! See ya later, (Y/N)!" And with that, she nodded her head, understanding. "Bye, (F/N). Have a good day!", she replied. The call finally ended and I quickly made it to my spot before she walked back.

"Sorry, Gabriel. That took forever than I thought.", (Y/N) apologized. "It's okay, dove. But who were you talking to..?", I said, curious and uncertain on this (F/N). I know their name, but I would rather guide the conversation with my dove.

"That was (F/N)! They're my childhood friend back at (original home).", she answered for me. I wanted more answers. "Can you tell me about them?" The cheerful girl thought about what she should say about them.

"Well..Let's see..We met each other when I was 5 years old! We were inseparable as little kids. However, during high school, we started to become apart. We still talked to each other but much less than we thought. Even when I moved from there, I still kept contact with them. I'll admit, I do miss them, but I know they are doing fine!"

I was admittedly feeling uncomfortable and unnerved about her answer. She hung out with this friend A LOT...until they grew somewhat apart! The worse thing....? She misses them..

I made a rather negative expression on my face as I heard that answer come out of my dove's mouth. I didn't say anything. (Y/N) noticed it and became concerned.

"Is something wrong, Gabriel?", she asked me, worried. "I..No. Everything is okay, (Y/N)..", I replied. That was a lie obviously and she didn't seem to take it.

"Are you sure?", she said, looking more concerned. I sighed. My mind was telling me to tell her the truth. And I feel like I should follow it. But at the same time, I was doubting it. She may think differently of my truth. Looking at her concerned expression though made me want to tell what I was really feeling. But the doubt was becoming too stronger every second. So I hid the truth.

"I'm..Sure, (Y/N). Everything is perfectly fine.", I said to her even though everything is somewhat NOT fine for me.

"Hmmm..Really? Cause it looks like you're jealous or something..", (Y/N) assumed by the look of my face. "I..I'm not, my sweet dove. I'm just..A little..A little disappointed by the fact you hung out with your friend more than I thought.."I said the truth. Little did I know that was the exact meaning.

"Oh? Are you jealous?", (Y/N) said, surprised at my answer. I looked at her and then at the floor. She now knows about this. And I was..ashamed. Ashamed of me acting jealous from some friend she used to hang out with. It's really just a small thing to be jealous of, so it made me feel embarrassed.

"Oh, Gabriel, it's okay..", (Y/N) understood as she went closer and hugged me tenderly to comfort me. I was taken aback by this but I immediately hugged back as well.

"Just because I have been friends with a person for so long doesn't mean that I would leave you for them. I don't feel the same way to them as I feel it to you. I love you so much, Angel. And I would never leave you. Please remember that."

With all those comforting words coming to my ear, I was calmed down by the intense hug and affection come from my lovely beautiful dove and her sweet voice.

We both finally kissed and we continued our day by reading our book.

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