A/N: Slight Story Update

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Yeah...So...You all have heard the news of Alex Kister recently.

If you haven't, basically Alex was exposed for doing inappropriate things to his fans, some of them being minors.

Yeah things are honestly pretty bad right now. I am still appalled and disappointed by this as a diehard Mandela Catalogue fan. I honestly thought Alex Kister was this amazing sweet talented dude with a big heart but I guess I was wrong.

I keep wondering to myself: Why does this happen to every content creator? What is this world we are living at where every famous content creator is a horrible disgusting person?

Because of this, I have seen every single person leave the community and especially the actors departing from the project. I fully understood this and I do respect their decision to leave.

As for me...

I have decided to continue this book because I still love the Mandela Catalogue series, especially its concept, lore, character, and creepy atmosphere, fetish content or not (I don't see it as fetish content in my personal opinion, I fully see it as a very interesting horror series despite it never gonna be finished sadly).


I am separating art from the artist.

I feel like nowadays, people don't understand this phrase. It is TOTALLY okay to separate art from an artist, just as long as you support victims involved in their actions. People do it and I am gonna be one of those people. I will still love the Mandela Catalogue and it will always be my comfort series to watch whenever I'm bored. And I cannot state enough how much this doesn't mean I support Alex. Obviously the dude's a creep and a traitor to the TMC community. He was someone I looked up to for a year and hearing what he did absolutely broke my heart.

Because of my sister's advice to separate art from the artist, continue loving the series, acknowledge what the creator has done, and never focus too much on them and instead focus more on the series, as long as I support the victims, I have officially decided to continue this story.


Starting as of now, I will add an important disclaimer in the beginning of every single new chapter.

This disclaimer will read:

Before reading, please note that these stories are based only on headcanons of the series, and are therefore not in any way canon. In addition, please note that this book was written BEFORE Alex Kister, the creator of the series, was exposed for his inappropriate behavior and actions towards the people he hurt. I do not condone what he has done and neither should you. This book was written solely for the sake of enjoyment, and has nothing to do with the creator.

(Props to my girl Hayden aka Marvelfan20191 for making this for me ❤️)

That's all for today. Stay tuned for the next chapter: I am halfway through it and I promise to y'all, I will finish it and continue writing more ideas. I am still in the TMC fandom, but I won't focus on the creator anymore, especially after his cruel actions. I will continue to support the victims involved in this entire situation.

Again here's some advice from writer to writer and reader:

It is absolutely okay to separate art from the artist, as long as you support the victims hurt from them. You do NOT have to follow the artist to enjoy their work. Don't hate the creations, hate the creator.

That's all for now! Have a good day!

-Emma ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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