Chapter 3: Part Time Jobs I cannot do are next to None!

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It is the late afternoon, Yuyuko-sama is resting in the living room, facing front garden with the cherry blossom tree and various of plants I've just done arranging. It is tea time, as usual, the freshly prepared green tea is brought in front of Yuyuko-sama by me along with 'some' snacks.

The tea and snacks are set on the table, before I sat my sword and myself down opposite of Yuyuko-sama. Yuyuko-sama is putting on her usual carefree smile, but more enlightened with food present in front of her.

Youmu: "Yuyuko-sama, there's something I would like to talk about"

Yuyuko: "Ara~ what is it this time I wonder?"

Youmu: "It's a matter about Senchi-dono"

Yuyuko: "Senchi-kun? If I'm not mistaken, he's doing part time now right?"

Youmu: "Yes, he left before noon to Suzunaan today"

Yuyuko: "What a hardworking boy~"

Youmu: "I am about to head to the village to return some old books to Suzunaan, and pay Senchi-dono a visit"

Yuyuko: "How nice of you~"

Youmu: "And I've prepared some bento to bring along with me"

Yuyuko: "Gigguk......"

Youmu: "So Yuyuko-sama, is there something you want to tell me?"

Yuyuko-sama, whose eye sight is usually fixated on the snacks on the table now averting.

Youmu: "Yuyuko-sama"

Yuyuko: "Y-Yesh!?"

Youmu: "You ate them, didn't you. The bento I made"

Yuyuko: "I-I haven't said anything yet!!"

Youmu: "How long do you think I've known you for?"

Yuyuko: "Ugh... s-sorry..."

Youmu: "If you're hungry then you could've told me. *sigh* I guess I'm also partly to be blamed to leave the bento unattended..."

I got careless this time... I should've known the bento will be in danger with Yuyuko-sama within the 100m radius.

Youmu: "Tonight you're limited to only 4 bowls of rice"

Yuyuko: "EEEEEHHHH!!?? Youmu, That's domestic abuse!!"

She can cry or beg like always and I won't flinch as always (most of the time). Those crocodile tears won't work on me anymore, Yuyuko-sama.

Youmu: "Now, I shall excuse myself"

I stand back up with my sword, prepare to head out.

Yuyuko: "By the way, Youmu..."

Youmu: "Yes, Yuyuko-sama?"

Yuyuko: "Why do you suddenly make bento for Senchi-kun?"

Youmu: "It's because..."

Why did I make bento for Senchi-dono...?

Is it reward for his hard work for the past week?

Is it a gift...?

Youmu: "I'm heading off now"


Arara... she got angry at me... for a few rice balls and omelettes.

I sighed and take a sip of the tea.

Oh? This taste and aroma is different from usual, is this the Indian tea Youmu brought back last week?

Fufu, it's nice to drink something different from time to time...

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