The Tomboyish Wind God Girl in Love - V

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Aya: "Tokuda-kun~ Good Morning!"

It's been a week since Aya recovered from her cold. And where all secrets unfold.

Aya: "What's on the menu today?"

Senchi: "The usual, English breakfast, sorry if that's a bit boring for you, I mean... we're eating the same breakfast for the past few days"

Aya: "Hehe~ If it's breakfast made by Tokuda-kun, I don't mind"

Aya is back to her usual energetic and optimistic self. I'm glad we can put everything happened behind us.

Senchi: "Oh right, today is the day right?"

Aya: "Yep, and the mail just came in"

Aya waves a letter with a seal on it, means it hasn't been open yet. That must be the letter about her promotion.

Aya: "Here goes..."

Aya tenses up, she slowly removes the seal and scans through the letter. She sighs, in the end...

Aya: "Ayaya~ I figured as much..."

She tosses the letter on the table, I took a glance at it.

It's a rejection...

Senchi: "I'm sorry Aya..."

Aya shakes her head, put on a bitter grin.

Aya: "It's alright... Tokuda-kun, you've helped me more than enough. The reason I got shot down is my own fault"

Senchi: "Aya..."

Aya: "Well, it's not like I care about it anymore, hehe~"

She rips the letter into quarters and throw what remains in the bin.

Aya: "Besides, I won't be able to work with Tokuda-kun anymore if I got promoted, right?"

I only told her that I know her plan to get promoted, but not the part she's going to kill me. It's best to keep it this way.

Senchi: "So, what's the plan today?"

Aya: "Fufu~ Rumour says there's a haunted doll house appeared in the forest of magic. So here's how it goes, Tokuda-kun you can interview the puppeteer magician living in the same forest, see if she's involved somehow. As for me, I'll go and investigate the house"

Senchi: "Haunted house?"

Aya: "That's right! There are witnesses saying there are dolls moving on their own in the middle of the night! And it doesn't seem like the puppeteer's doing either, so something must be going on there"

Senchi: "That would actually make decent article, unraveling the secret behind the rumours, that's what I expect from journalism"

Aya: "Right? Hehe, Tokuda-kun is a seasonal journalist now!"

Senchi: "I have a good role model to learn from that's all"

Hatate: "*yawn*... Mornin'..."

Hatate stumbles out of her room with her hair undone and still wearing her pyjama. I almost didn't recognise her without her twintails.

Aya: "Who the hell are you!?"

Hatate: "Weeeh... what are you saying, Aya-senpai... it's me..."

She grabs her hair with both of her hands and formed he signature twintails.

Hatate: "We lived together for this long and you still can't recognise me without my twintails!?"

Aya: "Ayaya~ My fault my fault~"

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