Chapter 8: Poverty Miko of Paradise

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Village Boy: "Waaa~ it's snowing!"

Village Girl: "Come on! Let's go and play!"

Keine: "Okay, I suppose we can stop here for today. Remember to do your assignments, if you have any questions about today's class or assignments, you can ask me or Senchi-sensei in the office. And most importantly, be careful on your way home"

 And most importantly, be careful on your way home"

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ART BY NovelAi

Village Children: "Haaaaii~"

The children scrambles out of the classroom as soon as they are dismissed by Keine-sensei, except a pair of village boy and girl comes up to me and Keine-sensei, seems to have some questions.

Keine: "Ah, do you have questions about today's class? Anything you don't understand in your assignments?"

Village girl: "Is Keine-sensei and Senchi-sensei dating?"

Keine & Senchi: "No we're not!"

Keine: "W-what makes you think Senchi-sensei and I are dating?"

Village boy: "Because Keine-sensei and Senchi-sensei look very happy teaching together"

Senchi: "I-it's just because Keine-sensei is such a great colleague, that's why"

Keine: "Same goes for Senchi-sensei, it's just normal office friendship. Now, go outside and join your friends in the snow, remember to return home before sunset"

Village boy and girl: "Haaaaii~"

The pair of village boy and girl hops outside of the classroom and giggle joyfully as they go to play at the snowy yard outside.

Keine: "*sigh* Haaaahhh~ I can finally catch a break... thanks for the hard work today, I couldn't have done it without you, Senchi-kun"

Senchi: "But I only helped you with marking assignments and monitoring part of the class, it's not much"

Keine: "It is more than enough, having an extra hand really helped out"

Senchi: "I also enjoyed the work, it's a good work experience for me. Today is the last lesson right?"

Keine: "Yes, it will be winter break starting tomorrow. We can take a break from teaching from today. It's a benefit being a teacher"

Unlike the private tutoring part time jobs I've done before, being a teacher is really different from it. I have to communicate and plan with Keine-sensei together for each lesson, and the amount of homework and tests needed to create and mark is overwhelming for 1 person. I'm surprised that Keine-sensei has been doing this alone for decades... Guess I'm still inexperienced, so this job really is a great learning experience for me.

Keine: "Oh right, I want to give you this"

Keine-sensei hands me a brown envelope which I've seen too many times.

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