Dance of the Dead

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An old Ghost song that I just found out about.. Yay idk if i should be glad i have a new song i like, or sad that this song is six years old and only NOW i found out about it

After the zombie apocalypse, life was a living nightmare. Survivors lived in constant fear of the undead, and human gangs fought for control of dwindling food and resources.

One day, a group of survivors found themselves trapped in a nightmarish world where zombies danced to Death Metal music. In order to survive, they had to learn how to dance to the beat and put their Differences Aside.

In the bleak future of society, dance has become a form of entertainment that is only enjoyed by the wealthy. When a group of rebels decide to take down the system and bring back the old way of life, they need to find a way to get people on their side. They hatch a plan to resurrect the dead and use their dancing abilities as an attraction to bring people into their cause. However, when they attempt to bring one hundred zombies into the world, they realize that they have problems that far outweigh any dancing ability they may have.

In the town of West Chester there is a small theater where people come to watch the latest horror movie. On this particular night, the movie was Dance of the Dead. Just as it was ending, someone started screaming. Soon after, people could hear breaking bottles and running in various directions. The doors to the theater were soon kicked open and dozens of zombies rushed in, quickly turning on their unsuspecting prey. While some managed to fight off the undead onslaught, most were killed or bitten within seconds. As survivors began to flee in all directions, they ran into even more zombies blocking their path. In a matter of minutes, almost everyone in the theater had been killed or turned zombie.

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