Rotary Dial

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Title: Lisa owned a rotary dial telephone. She loved its antiquated look and the nostalgia it invoked. She would often spend hours just scrolling through the different numbers, dreaming of the conversations she could have with her old friends.

First Line: It's been a few weeks since I last heard from my girlfriend. I've been anxious and paranoid ever since she just stopped responding to my calls and text messages. So, when I see her walking down the street, my heart Rate skyrockets and my palms start to sweat. Unfortunately for me, she turns the other way and continues on her way. The nerves keep ratcheting up as the day wears on, until finally about midnight, I receive a call from her. She says that she's been thinking about me all night and that she misses me...finally relief floods over me and I just close my eyes and let go.

Second Line: Maureen had always been a headstrong girl, ever since she could remember. Her parents had always warned her about getting ahead of herself, but never once did they stop her from doing what she wanted. She was determined to make things happen for herself and wasn't afraid to take risks.

When Maureen was just eighteen, she met John. He was a year older than her and already had a few friends in town. He seemed like the perfect guy- funny, charming and nice. They started dating quickly and Maureen couldn't have been happier.

It didn't take long for John to show his true colors- he loved making jokes about death, violence and gore. Maureen found it all incredibly macabre, but she stuck around because she loved him too much to let him go.

The longer they were together, the more severed body parts John would bring home as 'souvenirs'. Sometimes they would find them hidden in the corners of their apartments or in the trunk of his car- Maureen never knew what he planned to do with them next.

One day, after finding yet another mutilated corpse in their apartment, John finally got serious about what he wanted from Maureen- death by suicide pact. She refused at first- not only because she didn't want to die but also because she didn't want John to suffer alone instead of together. But when he began threatening her


First Line of the Chorus: Once upon a time there was a girl who loved a boy. He loved her back and they were happy together. But one day, the boy decided he needed to move on and he left the girl behind. She was heartbroken, but she decided to move on with her life. Time passed and the girl found herself getting married to someone else. She had two children with her new husband and she was happy. But one day, she woke up and couldn't remember who the boy was that she used to love so much. She looked at her wedding pictures of him and suddenly everything came flooding back to her. She realized that she had given up on their relationship because she thought it wasn't meant to be, but now it seemed like it could have been something really special if only she had given it another chance. All of those years wastedAY weekend trip from hell

The clock read 04:16 when Abigail starting feeling an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach; like something big was about to happen. It wasn't anything foreign or unusual for Abigail as this is how she always felt before every important event in her life - like something terrible would occur if she didn't wake up soon enough for whatever awaited her outside of bedsheetsding). And this particular premonition certainly didn't disappoint as fifteen minutes later - after lazily half-heartedly checking social media yet again - Abigail found out that

Last Line: It took forever and it still didnt show up :(

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