New Beginnings

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Natalie "Zero" Cortez

RANK: Sergeant

AFFILIATIONS: CIA, United States Army Special Forces, United States Air Force, United States Marines Corps



GENDER: Female


DATE OF BIRTH: August 27, 1998


Natalie Cortez enlisted in the United States Air Force in 2016, where she has since served in a number of roles, including intelligence analyst and instructor. She has a degree in political science from the University of Texas at Austin, and is currently a Sergeant the United States Army. She is an experienced soldier who has served in combat zones overseas, and is well-versed in the tactics and techniques needed to win battles. She is an expert in infantry tactics and has a strong understanding of military doctrine. She is also proficient in firearms, tactical operations, and search and seizure. Cortez is also skilled in crisis negotiation and has experience working with the media. Sergeant Cortez is an excellent strategist and can adapt quickly to changing circumstances. She is a proficient officer and leader, and is known for her fierce determination and patriotism. 

Natalie's POV:

5:30 AM

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing in my ears. I keep my eyes shut as I remove my hand out of the covers to find where the sound was coming from. I eventually grabbed my cold phone, and immediately felt goosebumps along my skin. I got out of bed, and opened the curtains as the sun is beginning to peek out from the dark gray skies. I'm supposed to meet Laswell at a cafe at 8, so I have time to go to the gym. I finally decide it's time to get ready for the day. I get changed into a black sports bra with matching leggings. I decided to also throw on a hoodie because its quite cold this morning. I brush my teeth and fix my hair into a ponytail, I then grab my water bottle and make my way to the gym. 

I placed my belongings in a locker, and began to do simple exercises, this was a commercial gym of course. It'll have to do, I knew it was temporary anyways. I decided to do glutes and cardio today. I only really did glutes when I went to the gym since I do plenty of upper arm and core workouts when I'm on base. As I do my workouts, I've noticed that men will look at me sometimes, which is a given when any woman is seen in the gym honestly, which kind of sucks. I finish my workout and grab my belongings and make my way out of the gym.

7:45 AM

Once I made my way to the coffee shop I ordered a black coffee with a splash of vanilla syrup, the best of course, and sat down. As I was waiting for Laswell to meet me so we can talk about what new mission she's gonna throw me into next, I began to take in my surroundings outside. It was still quite gray outside the only difference was that it began to rain, which made it seem depressing. That's one thing I enjoy about moving to London, the rain doesn't stop them from doing the things they need to do. Back in the states, everyone would stay in their homes because of the rain. The lighting inside the cafe was warm and felt cozy, it complimented the brick walls and the dark wood furniture.

"Nat." Laswell said, interrupting my thoughts. I looked up and saw Laswell along with a man wearing a beanie, I would assume he was around 40.

"Laswell!" I smiled and stood up to greet her. She took a step towards me and hugged me tightly. She always felt like a mother to me, especially since I never had the best relationship with my parents. "This is Captain John Price." She motioned towards the man, he stuck his hand out for me to shake it, and I gladly did so.

"Nice to meet you." He had a British accent and his voice was harsh and gravelly, but it was also welcoming. "How've you been the last couple weeks?" Laswell asked me, I didn't know how to respond honestly. I really only stayed at home and had date nights with my boyfriend because there was literally nothing for me to do. "I've been okay, I caught up with Tyler since I've been back. Other than that, I've just been sitting around and waiting for another mission to do." I say, looking at her and Price. "Well that's good to hear, Im glad you both finally figured out your problems." She said, and I nodded to let her know I agreed.

"Alright kid, I'm gonna cut to the chase, you are extremely good at what you do. With that being said, I have a job for you." Price spoke as he reached in his bag to grab a couple of manilla folders. I nodded and sat patiently and I was happy that I finally get to go back to work "It's a task force."

"Who's your team?" I said as the curiosity grew, he handed the first folder "Sergeant Garrick" he continued, expertise in prime target elimination, demolitions, weapon tactics, and covert surveillance, quite impressive, onto the next. As he slid the next folder, "John Mactavish", he's a sniper and demolitions expert, I nearly choked on my coffee as I noticed his photo, he was extremely handsome, but his hair was a little off, kind of like a mohawk, I think I like it.

"Goes by Soap." Price said.


"That's classified." He smirked, I didn't bother asking because honestly I don't think I want to know. He held the next folder for a moment, and chuckled to himself, "There he is, Simon Riley."

He slide passed me the folder and I noticed there wasn't a photo, weird, "There's no picture." Price was quick to say "Never... Now the rest, that's need to know, unless you join my task force."

I didn't know what to think, I was itching for a new mission to go on, and this task force could be something good for me. On the other hand, I wouldn't know how to tell Tristan after we fixed all of our issues.

"When do we leave?"


no the way i keep rewriting this is BEYOND me dude I AM SORRY.

ALSO here's what Nat's vibe/look is :))

ALSO here's what Nat's vibe/look is :))

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