Pink Nails

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Natalie's POV:

"Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7. We'll mark our position with an IR laser, over." Ghost said over comms.

"Roger that, 0-7." Graves replied.

"How do we find Hassan?" Soap asked, hopping out of the truck, and clearing out the area before he moved forward.

"He'll have an armed guard. Cartel protection. "

"Lotta places to hide..." We all pushed forward, hiding behind large shipping platforms.

"Graves covers with close air. We clear the buildings." Ghost said.

"Copy that, Lt..."

"Mark us." Ghost continued, looking back at me. "Shadow-1, we're east of the compound. Position is marked."

A short moment passed before Ghost spoke again, "Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7. We're marking with an IR laser. Do you have a visual, over?"

"0-7, copy your mark."

"Shadow-1 be advised, Hassan is moving with an armed guard. You cover external, we'll clear the buildings. How copy?"

"0-7, good copy. Armed guard. We'll secure the area so you can move in. Stand by." We waited a few minutes for the air team to scan the area. Graves' team began to shoot at any cartel members who would be in our way. After we were cleared, we pushed forward, clearing the first greenhouse building.

"Zero, down the right side." Ghost ordered.

"Copy." I replied.

"Breaching." Ghost continued, then Alejandro yelled at us to get down because the members inside began to shoot at us. One of the cartel members came up from behind me and used my gun to choke me as another soldier came from the front side and tried to stab me, I kicked him in the chest, making him fall. I felt the soldier who was choking me loosen his grip, so I used it as an opportunity to twist my gun out of his hands, and hit him in the head using the butt of my gun, making him fall. The second soldier still had his knife on him, and tried to stab me once again.

"Fuck- Give up, will you?" I grunted, I dropped my gun to the ground and began to defend his hits, then I took my knife out and threw it at him, stabbing him in the chest. I then felt something kick me to the ground, I quickly began to defend the first soldier's hits while I was still on the ground. I kicked him in the chest, I used all the strength I had in my legs, leaping onto the soldier's shoulders and wrapped my legs around his neck. He tried to shake me off, but I held on tightly. I yanked his head back as far as I could, and then used my thighs to drag him down to the ground. I heard him gasp for air as I pinned him under my weight. I grabbed my pistol and stabbed him in the chest. I didn't allow myself to process what had just happened, but I grabbed my gun and began to move to where everyone else was, but Ghost stood there, he was watching me the entire time. We didn't exchange any words, I was too embarrassed, we just went back to the group. We then continued to clear out the rest of the buildings, then we reached where Hassan was.

"Ghost, doors open. You're clear to proceed." Graves said over comms.

"Copy that. Moving now." We began to push forward, taking out any cartel member in sight with the assistance of the air team.

"Ghost, no movement detected."

"Copy, we're pushing to the entrance now."

"Roger, we see you. Be advised, the convoy is three klicks out. You need to haul ass."

"Solid copy."

"Alejandro, where's that exfil?" Soap asked.

"Five minutes out." He responded.

Blessing in Disguise - Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now