Staring Problem

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Natalie's POV:

Price was driving and Kate was on the passengers side, I sat in the back with my legs spread across the entire backseat. I didn't have time to go to Tristan's apartment, so I just sent him a text and hoped he wouldn't be upset with my abrupt disappearance. I had seen many battles and earned a great deal of respect from my peers, Tristan on the other hand, didn't see as much as I have. Tristan and I met while we were training for the Marines, we were both really good at what we did, the only difference was that I was trained to be stealthy, as he was trained to just go in and complete his task.

I knew he would understand that I've been waiting to go on another mission like this. Being on the field gives me a sense of relaxation, but for him it always made him anxious. It makes me think he shouldn't have joined the military if he always got nervous due to it.

Natalie - Hey baby, I'm sorry I couldn't go to your apartment to tell you this in person, but I just got offered a new job and I'm on my way there

Tristan - Okay, stay safe. 

Natalie - Love you!


Usually he says it back, whatever, he might be busy. I decided to close my eyes for a bit and the sound of the engines made me drift to sleep. A few hours later, I was woken up by the harsh jolt of the brakes, making me almost fly out of the seat. Price chuckled "Sorry kid, sensitive brakes, we're here." he said as him and Kate made his way out of the car. I was still groggily made my way out of the truck and stretched but shivered at the cold air. I was on my way to grab my things as Price walked behind me and put hand on my shoulder.

"Here, let me get your bags for you." I was reluctant at first but then obliged once he continued to offer. We made our way into the base, and it was surprisingly clean. Once we made our way inside, two men who were sitting on the couch watching a children's show whipped their heads facing Price, Kate and I. I remembered seeing them from the manilla folders Price showed me from before. John and Kyle. They both hopped off the couch, it was wild how in sync with each other they were, they walked towards us and introduced themselves.

"Ah, you must be the new Sergeant, Natalie, right? I read over your file, very impressive." I noted he had a heavy Scottish accent, I nodded with a smile as he continued, "I'm John, but you can call me Soap."

"Nice to meet you Soap, you can call me Nat." He nodded and gave me a smile.

"Im Kyle, but everyone calls me Gaz. Nice to meet you." He stuck his hand out and I shook it, it was kind of awkward, and felt like we were in a business meeting.

"Nice to meet you as well, Gaz." we nodded at each other and looked at Price.

"Where are the others?" Price asked the boys and they both shrugged. "My bet is they are either in their rooms or training, sir." Gaz replied.

"Alright, well Natalie, you'll meet them sooner or later, someone make sure she meets Ghost sooner or later." Price said, he turned his gaze to Soap, handing him my bags "Soap, show her where her room is." He shifted his gaze to Kate and they began walking out of the room. 

"Come on, I'll show you to your room." He said with a soft voice, almost in a whisper. I can tell we are gonna get along very well, he treats me with respect, which is hard to come across especially as a young woman in the military.

"Who's Ghost" I asked Soap, he seemed confused with my question. 

"What do you mean? I assumed you read everyones files, no?"

Blessing in Disguise - Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now