Trials and Tribulations

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Natalie's POV:

It's mid-February, months after losing Hassan. The cold Chicago air has a biting edge to it. Snowflakes swirl outside the window, creating a white blur against the gray skies. The streets below are slick with a thin layer of ice, and the wind howls through the buildings, making them creak and groan.

Price had told us that we would be returning to England next week and continue to try to locate Hassan.

I'm sitting in the common area with Keegan, feeling a sense of comfort wash over me. We've always had great conversations and it feels nice to have someone to talk to. We're discussing our favorite movies, something we've talked about before, but it never gets old. I can see Ghost sitting across from us, but I don't pay much attention to him. Our relationship ended weeks ago and it's clear we both moved on. I don't even know if I can consider it a relationship, it ended as quick as it began. Still, I spend some days wondering what could've been. 

Suddenly, Price comes in and announces a new mission for the team. As he outlines the details, my mind starts racing. This mission will be a challenge, but I know we can handle it. I turn to Keegan and ask him what he thinks.

Keegan nods thoughtfully as Price finishes outlining the mission. "It's going to be tough," he exhales, "but I think we can handle it. We've faced worse."

I nod in agreement, feeling a surge of adrenaline at the thought of the upcoming mission. "Yeah," I say confidently. "Let's start preparing."

Just then, Price turns to me and Ghost. "Natalie, Ghost, I've got a separate mission for the two of you," he says, handing us a file. "I need you to infiltrate a heavily guarded facility and retrieve some sensitive information."

I take the file and quickly scan through the details. It's a daunting task, but Ghost and I are the best equipped for the job. "When do we leave?" I say, looking up at Price. 

Price gives us a tight-lipped smile. "You'll be leaving tonight. I need that information as soon as possible."

Ghost and I exchange a quick look. "Understood." he says, his voice firm and determined.

As Price leaves the room, the rest of the team starts discussing the details of the mission. Keegan leans over to me, a small smile forming at the corners of his lips. "Looks like you're stuck with the lieutenant."

I can't help but smile, "Oh, I can handle him." I say back. Keegan chuckles, but his expression still betrays a hint of annoyance. We make our way back to the base, and as we debrief the mission, I can feel his eyes on me. I know he's upset that I had to work so closely with Ghost, but I can't help the assignments that are given to me.

The reality of the situation sinks in. I'm going to be alone with Ghost on this mission. We haven't had to work together since the last mission with Hassan.

I try to push the thoughts aside as I gather my gear for the mission. But as I strap on my weapons and vest, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. I know I need to stay focused on the task at hand, but the thought of being alone with Ghost for an extended period of time is making me anxious.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a familiar Scottish voice, "You ready for this one, Natalie?"

I look over to him, his face full of concern. I nod, "Yeah, I'm ready." I reply.

But Soap can see right through me. I had already hold him what happened between Ghost and I, and he knows how much it's been bothering me. "Are you sure you're okay with going on this mission with him?" He says, his voice full of empathy. 

I take a deep breath, forcing a smile. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I lie. "It's just another mission, right?"

Soap doesn't look convinced, but he knows not to push it any further. Instead, he says. "Just remember, if you need to talk or anything, I'm always here for you." I thank him and head out to meet Ghost. 

Blessing in Disguise - Simon "Ghost" RileyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora