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Natalie's POV

The sun is beginning to shine through the blinds of my window. I opened my eyes and fixate them on the clock.

5:45 AM


I almost leap out of bed and fell on the floor, I literally crawled to my bags and rummaged through my clothes. Why didn't I fucking unpack last night? I got ready quickly in my bathroom and I threw on a tight black long sleeve, along with some black cargo pants. I glanced at my alarm again, I thought I was somewhat quick, but boy was I wrong.

5:57 AM

I literally jumped on my bed to get to the other side to put my boots on, and right as I finished tying them, I flung my door open. I don't know even where the training area is. I was running around the base trying to find the training area. Why is this base so huge? I noticed a group of guys waiting for me. As I ran to them, they all turned to look at me. I stood next to Soap because he's the only person I'm familiar with. He let out a chuckle and nudged my arm and we smiled at each other. Price was at the front, with another man next to him, he was wearing a skull mask similar to Ghosts but it was just a balaclava. Price looked at me and smiled for a moment, we both knew I was late but we didn't mention it.

"Boys, this is Natalie, also known as Zero. She is a highly skilled sniper, and medic." He began to glance at everyone. "With that being said, we are going to start todays training with a fun game to work on your teamwork skills. It's a mixture of both scavenger hunt, and capture the flag. Each team will be given a note with a hint as to where you can find other hints, then the flag. Simple as that. Once you have your flag, you will need to take out the other teams. You will also be getting paintball guns. The last team standing, or the first team with a flag, wins. Any questions? Alright. This paper has the list of teams, read it and gather the things you need. Natalie, can you join me quickly?"

I nodded and went to him and the man he was standing with "Yes, sir?"

"I want to briefly introduce you to Captain Thomas Merrick of the Ghost team. They will be working with us on this mission."

"Hi, nice to meet you" I smiled as we shook hands

"Likewise." He said to me.

"Alright, kid, go pick out your weapons before they take everything from you." Price said as he looked over to them and chuckled. I nodded and made my way to the paper.

Red Team:

Natalie Cortez

Keegan Russ


Blue Team:


Logan Walker


Yellow Team:



Thomas Merrick

Perfect. Just peachy really. It's fucking great. A douche who asked if I could even do my job properly, and an unknown man I've yet to meet. I groan and throw my head back as I read the paper. I made my way to the weapons table Price had set up and grabbed a sniper and a handgun. I felt a harsh grip on my shoulder and turned me around,

"Zero, this is Keegan Russ, our other teammate." Ghost said and I shifted my gaze to the man. Again, he was wearing a mask, similar to Ghost but it was just the balaclava and had a slightly different design to it.

"Hi, can't wait to work with you" I smiled and took my hand out for him to shake it. He just looked at me and turned around and started walking to the field, Ghost followed suit. What is with these men in masks and their damn attitude. I sighed and followed them, this is gonna be a long day. 

Blessing in Disguise - Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now