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Natalie's POV:

"What's this?" Alejandro's gruff voice echoed as the car door slammed.

"This is the immediate future." Graves replied as Tristan moved next to him. "Step away from the gate."

I stood on the other side of the car, sensing two presences behind me, Soap stood behind Alejandro.

"What?" Soap asked, confused.

"You heard me." Graves had snapped back.

"You're crazy, this is my base." Alejandro said, motioning towards the base.

"It's not a base. This is a sizable covert facility, and I admire it- So, I'm taking it." Graves corrected him. I could almost sense Alejandro grow angrier by the second. The way Graves had pursed his lips together, as if Alejandro would give in easily.

"Natalie, we want you to be a part of our team. I am aware of your..." He motioned towards Tristan, my eyes flickered towards him for a brief moment. "past with my Shadow, but, Tristan said you are an excellent soldier and it would be such a shame for you to waste your talents with Task Force 141. I'm offering you a chance to join Shadow Company, and make the most of your skills."

The word, "Why?" Was all I could mutter out, I couldn't fully wrap my head around it, why would they need me? Why did they choose me? Why do they think I am the right person for them?

"We need someone of your caliber, someone who can handle themselves in combat, who is well versed in hand-to-hand combat, and someone who is an expert marksman, especially with a sniper rifle. I need someone to help me lead and to be an asset to my team." He said. It was as if he planned out exactly what he would say to me on a piece of paper, he most likely did. 

I looked towards Alejandro and Soap, but they were already looking at me, waiting for a response. "I'm flattered, but I'm loyal to Task Force 141."

He chuckled, "I understand that, but I'm offering you something different. With them, let's say... if you get injured, they'll throw you aside. With us, you'll be able to put those skills to use in more ways than ever before, and if you get injured, we won't throw you aside. We see the value in you. You'll have access to the best weapons and technology."

"Once again, I appreciate it, but no thank you."

He chuckled once again, "Alright, suit yourself. You boys... and well- girl, you have been relieved. Thank you for your service."

"No, no, no I don't take orders from you." Alejandro said, taking a step closer to Graves.

"Didn't Valeria say that?" Graves sneered, moving a step closer towards Alejandro. "Now that makes me wonder what else I don't know about your affiliation with a drug-lord?

Alejandro glanced back towards Soap before saying, "What the fuck did you just say to me pendejo?" He moved closer towards Graves. Soap put a shoulder on Alejandro, signaling him to stop moving.

"You're out of line Graves." Soap said.

"Don't do that. Don't... do that." Graves snapped back as he pointed towards Soap. "No one needs to get hurt here."

I glanced back in shock upon hearing the deep and harsh voice ask, "Are you threatening us?" Ghost, the large and broad man, was standing directly behind me. I hadn't noticed him before, as he had been so silent with his steps. This made me aware of the other presence lurking behind us, a Shadow.

"Soldier, I don't make threats. I make guarantees, so let's not do this."

Soap spun around and began walking as he said, "I'm calling Shepherd."

Blessing in Disguise - Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now