Shrouded Intentions

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Natalie's POV:

One could say that the beauty of a city at night is a blessing in disguise, when the true beauty of the city is shown. During the day, the loud and quick-paced city is overwhelming, but at night, it almost takes on a different character. The lights and shining of the buildings can be seen from miles away, offering a unique perspective of the city. It reminds us that even in the darkness, there is always light to be found. It's not only a reminder that even in someones darkest times, there is always hope and something, or someone, to be grateful for. In a way, it represents us, and how a difficult situation or setback in life can be seen as a blessing in disguise if it leads to new opportunities or a fresh perspective on life. Just as the city's beauty is revealed at night, sometimes our own blessings are revealed after going through tough times.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I stared out of the helicopter, my eyes were fixated on the twinkling lights of the city below me. The objective of the mission was to infiltrate a high-security building in Chicago, where Hassan, and the missile, were located. The team would approach the building from the air, where Captain Price, Soap, and I would be dropped off.

From the rooftop, Captain Price and a few Marines would work their way down to the server floor, where we believed Hassan was located. Meanwhile, Gaz and his team of Marines would approach the building from the ground and work their way up to the floor. Soap and I would use a rappelling technique from opposite sides of the building to make our way down the side of the building, providing support to Price and the Marines from the outside. 

As we approached the building, I quickly scanned it to get an idea of the layout. I analyzed the architectural design, noting the placement of windows, and the overall shape of the building. The building had a gleaming glass exterior reflecting the city lights below it. Its shape was unique and modern, with a design making it stand out among the other buildings around it. One side of the building was slanted, creating a triangular shape that added to its distinctive appearance. The slanted side was made of reflective glass that created a mesmerizing visual effect. The other sides of the building were straight and rectangular, with large windows that offered stunning views of the city. 

As the helicopter landed, I realized that I would have to go in blind and without the support from Ghost since he would have visual from Soap's side. I pushed the thought from my mind, as our objective was to stop the missile, and neutralize any threats we encountered, including Hassan. 

"Bravo-6, moving to hook points." Price said through comms.

Gaz responded, "Copy. 5 is set at the ground floor." 

"Soap, Zero, hook up." I took a deep breath as I moved to the other side of the rooftop to hook up. As I peered down the side of the building, I noticed that I needed to rappel down the steep, slanted side. I trained for this moment for years, but my nerves still got the best of me. I felt my heart rate increasing as I continued to think about how I was going in blind with no support from Ghost, or anyone for that matter. I couldn't let Soap or Price see me panic, so they didn't think I was ready for this. I reached the other side of the rooftop, dread washing over me. 

"Come on, Natalie. You can do this..." I whispered to myself, trying to convince myself. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves. I knew this mission was make or break, and I couldn't let a little bit of fear get in my way. Finally, I opened my eyes again and focused on the task that was at hand. I looked back and noticed Soap was already getting ready to hook up, and I could feel my hands tremble as I started to do the same. I didn't want anyone to notice me struggling, so I kept my head down and tried to hide the anxiety coursing through my veins. 

"Ghost, we're set. You have eyes on?" Captain Price's voice broke through my thoughts, reminding me of the task at hand. I tried to steady my breathing and focus on the mission. This was what we trained for, and I couldn't let my fear get in the way.

Blessing in Disguise - Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now