A Blond Boy

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I open my eyes to the sun glaring in my face, with the realization that I was in a different house. Having just moved our stuff in yesterday, we had a lot unpacked.

Looking around my room I see my desk with three boxes on it, two of them labeled as books, and the other labeled as pictures.

The box of pictures was open, so reluctantly I unwrap myself from my cozy cocoon and walk over to the open box. The picture on top was a picture from summer vacation, the picture shows my mom, sister, and I all playing beach volleyball.

The picture was taken from a video I had recorded to remember that day. I smile and set the picture back in the box and start my day by getting ready for my first day at my new school.

Transferring to a new school in the middle of the year was going to be difficult, but the classes shouldn't be too hard seeing as I was taking classes above my grade level.

Grabbing my uniform, I walk down the hall and into the bathroom to take a shower.

In the shower, I hum along with a song playing on my playlist while thinking about what I hoped today would be like, hopping out of the shower I dry myself off with a towel, then I put on my uniform, along with some mascara and eyeliner, not even worrying about blowdrying my hair, leaving it down to air dry the rest of the way.

I grab my bag, about to leave when I stop in the kitchen. I see my mom and then I notice something's off.

"You alright mom? I'm about to head to school, is there anything you need?" I ask.

In the new house, it's just my mom and I since my mom divorced my dad, leaving him back at our old place, and my sister traveled out of the state before we left the old house.

She was supposed to have been here last night, mom and I just assumed she was running a little behind, especially since the roads had the tendency to get busy, so I brushed it off assuming she'd be here later today.

"It's your sister, sweetheart. Her car was found upside down in a ditch. They took her to the hospital." Tears begin to trickle down my face.

"Is she okay? Could they help her?" I asked, my voice cracking, knowing inside that she was gone.

"I'm sorry sweetie, there was nothing they could do for her. She was gone before they arrived." I wrap my mom in a hug as we cry together. I was so overwhelmed with what I had just heard. My eyes flicked to the clock on the wall, checking the time. I slowly remove myself from the embrace.

"I'm sorry mom but I have to go. I don't want to be late on my first day. Call me if you need anything. I'll see you when I get home, I love you." I say. I walk to the entryway and put on my shoes. I leave the house, lost in thought about what I had heard.

After a few minutes of walking, I decide to pull out my phone and type in the address of my school since I was new to the area so didn't know where it was.I find the directions and look at them, noticing it was only a straight shot to the school. I then put my phone in my skirt pocket. I begin walking while looking at the ground. It was a dirt road, obviously not frequented much by vehicles seeing as there's only a few other houses down this road, my house just happens to be at the end of a dead end road.

While walking, I step on a rock about the size of a baseball and twist my ankle, "shit!" I whisper yell. I fall, running into someone and knocking them down with me, landing on top of them. I panic and jump up, apologizing profusely.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I hold out my hand, I look up a little to see it's a guy with short, blond hair, glasses, and I look at his face long enough to notice his eyes are the color of liquid honey, but right now they were ice cold due to what I assume was me knocking him down. He smacks my hand away lightly and stands up. He was tall. At least half a foot taller than me.

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