Over the Net

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I shot him a glare before I walked off.

I had already gone out of the library and around the corner before Tsukishima catches up with me. We walk in silence for a bit before I decide to break it with a question.

"Tell me, Tsukishima. Why did you decide to follow me all day?" I ask, turning my head to face him. He looks at me without turning his head.

"After this morning one would imagine that you would know the reason," his face gave away nothing, "I'm simply looking out for an idiot girl who doesn't know how to take proper care of herself." There was a hint of a teasing tone in his voice.

"Well, if according to you I don't know how to take proper care of myself, then maybe you'd show me how." I smirk. His face become flushed once again as he tries to hide it with a scowl. He stops, so I stop net to him.

"Give me your phone," I look at him confused, what did he need my phone for?

"Why do you want it?" I ask, hesitantly reaching into my hoodie pocket, holding onto my phone.

"You'll see, just give me your phone shrimp." He holds out his hand. I slowly pull my phone out and unlock it, setting it in his hand gently. I see him type something in before handing it back to me.

"There, my number. I already messaged myself so I have yours as well. Now I can make sure you don't do anything stupid that'll cause you or someone else to get hurt again." I look at him with a blank stare.

"Aw, so Saltyshima does care about me! How cute." I smirk, seeing his face flush a brighter shade of pink, having not entirely recovered from the last time.

"Ha, only in your dreams midget." He begins walking again. I follow close behind, eventually catching up to him. I feel his hand brush up against mine through the bandage and jump back, my face heating up, sure to become a bright red. I quicken my pace, hoping to return to the classroom before he does.

In front of the classroom door, I slide it open and go inside, sliding it shut behind me. I quickly walk over to my seat and set my bag down before sitting in my chair, seeing him enter the classroom right as I sit down.

The bell rings, telling everyone that school was out, those who weren't in a club went home, while the rest went to their respective after school activities. Not waiting for the blond, I grab my stuff and walk out of the classroom, making my way towards the gym.

Entering the gym, I immediately look for Daichi to see what he needs me to do, seeing as it's my first official day of being a manager for the Karasuno high boys volleyball team.

"Daichi-san, hey!" I shout, I walk over to the talker male, "what is there that you need me to do? I mean with it being my first day as a manager and all, I was wondering if there were any specific jobs you wanted me to do." I stumble over my words, he smiles and let's out a small laugh.

"Don't worry about it, you can sit on the bench and observe. And seeing that you have experience with volleyball, you can probably give us some pretty good pointers." He says then prods me onto the bench, practically forcing me to sit down, handing me a notebook to write in.

look around the gym, with Tsukishima nowhere to be found, curious I pull out my phone.                    


Yo Suckyshima, practice is
about to start, where are

I had to stop somewhere.
Why, does Daichi need me
for something?

Nah, but Daichi-san is
gonna hand you your ass
on a silver platter if you
don't get your ass in the gym

Fine, I'm on my way. Be
there in 5, I have to make
a pitstop first.

Alright Goliath, just don't
be any later or Daichi-san
will force you to do diving

I giggle at the conversation, closing out the tab and shutting off my phone. I hear a voice.

"Look out Itsuki-kun!" It was Hinata. I look up, seeing a volleyball coming at me, I stand up, without thinking I jump up and hit the ball, sending it flying.

My hand collides with the ball leaving a burning sensation behind, along with an immense pain through the bandage, seeing blood leak through I can tell it was reopened, I smile through the pain, happy that I got to touch a volleyball again, as the ball goes darting back over the opposite side of the net, it hits the floor, ricocheting off and hitting the wall before falling back to the floor and rolling back to the smaller boys feet. He looks up at me, eyes wide. I awkwardly put my hand over the back of my neck.

"Sorry guys," I smile, putting my other hand up to show I mean it, holding the sleeve of my hoodie over it to hide the bandage, so as to not worry the others. Hinata comes running up to me, volleyball in hand, with a raven-haired boy with blue eyes close behind.

"Oh wow! I thought you said you were bad at volleyball and then you did that!? You were like 'Swoosh!' 'Smack!' 'Pheew!' It was amazing! You really should play with us sometime, it'd be fun!" His excitement made me laugh a little, the libero running over, joining his excitement.

"Thanks Hinata-Kun, but it really wasn't that good, you guys are so much better. It was probably just luck." I smile. Hinata's eyes grow wide, noticing something was off as Hinata backed up a couple feet, I look behind me.

There he is. Although, I didn't know if he was late seeing as I didn't see when he walked in. Still, I decided to tease him a little.

"Oh, look who decided to show up to practice finally. It's Suckyshima." I smirked, I looked at him, noticing the unamused look on his face.

"And looking here, we have a liar amongst us. One who says she's no good at volleyball when she's showed so far how she can play as the spiker and the setter perfectly without a single slip." He smirks.

I grab the ball and tossing it in the air, smacking it, flinching at the action, to hit the blond boy in the arm. He looks up at me, eyes filled with rage. I give him a playful smile as I begin running away while laughing, him following behind me, trying to catch up as I speed up occasionally when he gets too close.

Eventually he gives up and goes to sit on the bench and I go stand behind Daichi, having one hand on either arm, hoping he didn't notice the bandage. still giggling from the adrenaline. Tsukishima had a smile on his face, along with a look in his eye that said I will murder you.

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