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"Can you tell me why you were upset now?" He asked, turning to face me, a serious tone in his voice.

I look away from him, moving my gaze towards the floor. "It's just stuff that happened between my father and I. That situation brought back some memories," I tell him the small details, leaving out the more significant things from recent years, "I'll be fine.. I hope." I add the last two words quiet enough so that only I could hear.

With that, I hear rustling, and then I feel an arm snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him and onto his lap. His other hand goes to the back of my head, playing with my hair. My body stiffens, tears begin to spill once again.

"I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you." He says softly.

Saying nothing, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and bury my face into the crook of his neck, not even realizing in this moment how this would seem if anyone were to be near us right now. Thankfully we were in my house with nobody else.

After realizing this, I jolt up, trying to get off him. He uses the arm wrapped around my waist to hold me there.

"Stay, comfy.. warm." He says quietly, sounding sleepy. I comply, wrapping my arms back around his neck and returning my head to the crook of his neck, breathing in his calming scent. I feel his chin rest on top of my head, I play with his soft curls, soon hearing soft snores coming from him. I carefully remove myself from him and do my best to lay his tall frame along the couch, turning the lights off before going to my room to grab an extra pillow and blanket I keep in my closet.

I lift up his head to put the pillow beneath it, gently laying him back down doing my best to not wake him. I place the blanket over him. I move closer to take off his glasses and place them on the side table, crouching down, I save a moment to take in the features of his calm, sleeping face.

I stand up to leave, but a hand grasps my wrist, pulling me towards him.

"Stay," he says simply, his voice laced with cracks from his sleep. I walk closer and sit on the edge of the couch, using my free hand to run my fingers through his hair once again, loving how soft his blond curls were.

Smiling, I once again stand up to attempt to leave, only to be pulled back onto the sleeping boy, he wraps an arm around my waist, holding me there, using the other to pull the blanket over me before putting that one around my waist as well, pressing my back against his chest. Too scared to move, I stay, gripping the blanket before I doze off.

Needless to say, I was scared of him, and I hated his attitude, but I was slowly falling for him.

What Is This Feeling? Tsukishima x OCWhere stories live. Discover now