Why does he make me feel like this?

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I look up at him to see he's already made eye contact with me, his eyes already locked on mine. They had a mischievous look in them, yet he kept a straight face which makes me even more nervous.

"Itsuki, I'm ba-" Daichi cuts off, he looks at Tsukishima and I. My face was still flushed red and a little puffy from crying, "what did you do this time Tsuki, that's the second time today." I can tell he's a little worried.

"Daichi-san, it's not his fault," I say, gently nudging Tsukishima to the side and walking closer to Daichi, "he didn't do anything, it's fine." I put on a fake smile, trying to convince him it was okay. I could feel Tsukishima looming close behind me.

"If you're sure, then here are the sign up sheets so you can officially be part of the team. I have a feeling that Kiyoko and Yachi will certainly be excited about having another manager." He hands me the clipboard with the papers on it along with a pen. I could tell he was excited. His excitement make me smile. I sign all of what needed to be signed after making sure to read the entire thing. I hand the pen and clipboard back to him and runs off again. I can still feel Tsukishima's presence behind me, so I decide to walk closer to the net, hoping it would get him to leave me alone.

Daichi comes back, walking up to me, "would you like me to introduce you to the team?" He asks, I nod nervously, he gathers the guys around, I was expecting him to not use my first name since almost everyone is called by their last names out of respect.

"Guys, this is Itsuki Kai, our newest manager. Please welcome her kindly," he glances at Tsukishima when he says that, I freeze up, remembering how I was made fun of for my name 'not being feminine enough' "now let's get back to practice! Two teams, one on either side of the net!" He says, grinning.

All the guys go to their starting positions except Daichi, seeing as there would've been uneven teams. I walk over in front of the benches, not knowing what to do, I end up zoning out.

After what seemed like only minutes, I was snapped out of my trance when Daichi announces it's time to clean up and go home. I begin taking the net down myself, being sure to make the net look nice and neat to about it getting tangled, I then grab both poles and carry them with me, stopping by Daichi.

"Where's the storage room for these?" I ask, he points to the one everyone else is going on and out of. I thank him and walk away, and into the room. Placing the net and poles neatly in a part of the room, I then grab a broom and leave to clean the floor.

I Finish cleaning and bring the broom back to the room and put it back where I found it. I leave the storage room, closing the door behind me. All the guys were scattered around the room, laughing and talking, all except one certain blond, who was just leaning against a wall.

I walk up to Daichi, letting him know I was headed home. "You shouldn't walk out there by yourself, it's dark, what if something happens to you? We should all be leaving anyways, so let me get these guys rounded up and out the door." He walks closer to the guys.

"Alright, grab your stuff and let's go! We're leaving!" He shouts, all the guys grab their stuff and start walking out the doors, I follow them, Daichi close behind.

"Aw shoot," I whisper to myself, not knowing how to get home since I didn't exactly know my way around the school, along with not knowing what side of the school the gym was on. Another thing I hadn't noticed was Tsukishima right next to me.

"What's wrong munchkin?" He asks, his lips curved into a smirk. I ignore him and decide to just keep walking sticking close to him since I remember he was going the same direction as my house this morning. I stare at the ground, the group around had become just Tsukishima, a green haired boy with freckles, and me. I quicken my pace, now knowing how to get home, I speed ahead both boys, ready to get home.

I see my house, noticing that there's no lights on and the car wasn't in the driveway. I unlock the door and walk inside, taking off my shoes before going any further into the house.

"Mom?" I call out, the house was silent. I go upstairs to check her room, it was neat but mom was nowhere to be seen. I go down into the kitchen to see if she left a note. On the fridge I see a piece of paper with mom's handwriting on it.

What Is This Feeling? Tsukishima x OCWhere stories live. Discover now