I'm Sorry

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"You can go look around the house if you'd like, just give me a minute to put this stuff away. Feel free to use whatever you want," I say quietly.

"Why so shy all of a sudden midget?" He smirks. I look down at the floor, not wanting him to see the terrified look on my face, not wanting him to see the hot tears streaming down my face, my red, puffy cheeks.

"I-I don't know wh-what you're talking about S-Saltyshima." I try to compose my voice, but my emotions were slipping out with the words. I attempt to walk around him to head up to my room, but he blocks my way. His hand reaches up to my face, placing his index finger under my chin and using it to lift my face up towards him.

"Tell me," he says simply. "I know this isn't just about nothing, so tell me midget, what's wrong?" He asks more sternly.

⚠️ Warning, past trauma that has to deal with sexual harassment, please skip if you're uncomfortable ⚠️
The encounter with the man reminded me too much of my father, although I didn't know for certain what would've happened if the tall blond wasn't there with me, I still had a feeling of how it would've gone. It brought me back to before my parents divorced and Mom took my sister and I away from him.

Four years ago was when it started. When my father started using me. Fortunately he wouldn't do anything to my sister since she was out of the house all the time, but he would constantly threaten and hit my mom. He hurt us both but in different ways.

For me it started off as him just being closer than normal, which I thought nothing of, seeing as how I was only twelve. But it slowly progressed, going further and further until the day I turned 14, I can't remember anything. Assuming it's just trauma blocked from my memory. I remember small bits and pieces but not enough to know exactly what happened. I remembered every time after though. I would cry nonstop, eyes being dried of tears, being unable to scream or call for help. Along with being unable to move. I never wanted that to happen again.
⚠️ Warning over⚠️

I thought after we left it'd be all over and I'd never remember what happened, but it all came flooding back a few days of being away. My emotions overflowing, tears pour out of my eyes.

I turn my face away from Tsukishima, not letting him see me weak for a second longer.

"Now if you'll excuse me, make yourself comfortable while I go take a shower," I gently move him to the side, making my way to my room to grab my favorite oversized hoodie and a pair of shorts. I walk through the hall and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and locking it. Walking over to the shower, I take off the bandages before starting the water.

When done with my shower, I shut the water off, hopping out and grabbing a towel, I dry myself off before putting on my clean clothes, along with fresh bandages. I unlock the bathroom door and walk out, making my way to the living room, where the tall salt shaker was sitting on the couch. I walk over and sit on the couch, curling up on the cushion furthest from him, both of us having our legs on the middle cushion.

"Can you tell me why you were upset now?" He asked, turning to face me, a serious tone in his voice.

What Is This Feeling? Tsukishima x OCWhere stories live. Discover now