Oh No

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When I look to see who's voice I heard, I see a tall blond beanstalk with glasses standing next to the boy with green hair and freckles, whose name I don't know. I look down, noticing some of the cuts could be seen, I pull my skirt down a little to cover them. I look back up to see him looking at me. His mouth curved into his signature smirk.

I turn away and look at the drinks, I quickly pick out a chocolate milk. I panic, being lactose intolerant I know I'll regret it later. I walk up to the counter to pay, feeling a pair of eyes practically burning a hole in my back. I pay for my drink and walk out of the store.

I continue walking for a little bit and notice a bench. I go and sit down to kill some time. I was about to poke the straw into the milk when I hear that voice again. I turn my head to see him a few feet away and walking closer. I practically jump off the bench and speed walk away from him, not wanting to talk to him, let alone be near him after yesterday.

I look at the ground while walking. I feel a hand on my shoulder, unfortunately I knew who it was without turning to look at him. It was Tsukishima, my heart flutters and I don't know why.

"What do you want?" I ask, not making eye contact.

"Why are you out here this early, especially when it's dark? You could've gotten kidnapped you damn idiot." His tone was annoyed.

"I don't care. And it wouldn't matter if I did." I say, rolling my eyes and turning away from him, I quicken my pace hoping he would leave me alone. He followed closely, hearing his footsteps behind me made my anxiety skyrocket.

Once we got to the doors, I open one and make a beeline to the girls bathroom. I close the door behind me and slide my back down the wall. I sit there for a minute before going over to the sink and splashing water on my face. I dry my face and grab my eyeliner and mascara out of my bag, applying it, making it look like I hadn't been crying my eyes out lately.

I walk out of the bathroom and walk to the classroom, seeing Tsukishima already in his seat. I roll my eyes and walk to my desk, setting down my bag before sitting. I grab out a sketchbook and a pencil and begin drawing to pass the time. I begin to draw, not really thinking about it.

I feel someone looking over my shoulder. I turn to see the telephone pole staring at my sketchbook. He smirks, I could tell he found another thing to tease me about.

"What do you want beanstalk?" I say, closing my sketchbook. He grabs it and stands up. I stand up and reach for it. He holds it above my reach.

"What's in here squirt?" He teases, flipping through my sketches and stops at one page, it was a volleyball with glasses and a pair of headphones next to it, looking suspiciously like his own. His smirk grows wider.

"What's so special about all of this pipsqueak?" I freeze, a look of panic on my face, only glad that he hadn't yet said anything about the tear stains, and a couple suspicious red drops. Remembering that I had drawn it last night while crying, my hand still bleeding.

"Give it back you giant asshole." I mumble, knowing he heard me. Tears pricking the backs of my eyes, I jump and grab the sketchbook, my bodyweight making him let go. I wince, the pressure of my grip on the book caused me to drop it, breaking the wound open again. I pull my sleeve over my hand, hoping he hadn't seen anything. I crouch down and pick up my sketchbook. I put it back in my bag along with the pencil then I get up and sit back in my seat.

"What happened to your hand midget?" My eyes grow wide. I couldn't tell if he was teasing or if he was actually concerned.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you're obviously blind you jolly green giant." I say, holding my sleeve over my right hand so as to not let it be seen and stop the bleeding simultaneously.

He walks up next to me and grabs my right arm, pulling my sleeve up to see my hand. I put my hand into a fist to hide it. It hurt, but I was not about to let him think I'm weaker than he already does. I could feel the air hitting part of the cuts on my legs, I use my other hand to pull my skirt to cover them.

"Open your hand," he says. I use my other hand and open that one, keeping my right one closed. "Other hand idiot." He sounds annoyed. I flip my right hand so my palm faced the floor and opened it. Closing it again before he could flip it over.

"Show me your right palm you idiot. I mean it." He was fuming. I shook my head, refusing to follow his directions. Other students were starting to enter the room.

"Fine, come with me then." He drags me by the arm out of the room. He pulls me to the gym and into the supply room.

"Show me. Now." He says. I finally comply, opening my hand for a second and then closing it again. I look at the floor out of embarrassment.

"Who did this to you?" His voice sounded angry, which scared me.

"It's nothing. Nobody did anything." I say, refusing to tell him what really happened. I back up, running into a counter that was behind me. Saying nothing, he picks me up with ease and sets me on the counter, turning away. He reached into his pocket to grab something. He pulls out a roll of bandages, turning back to me, his eyes stopped at my thighs. I could tell he noticed something. I look down to see parts of the cuts on my thighs were showing. I pull down my skirt, turning bright red, scared for seemingly no apparent reason.

"What were those? Tell me munchkin, what happened to you" he asks. I hear the concern in his voice.

What Is This Feeling? Tsukishima x OCWhere stories live. Discover now