Strawberry Shortcake

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We continued walking in silence after that, a hint of awkward tension in the air, but it was small enough for it to be a nice kind of quiet. I

Walking up to the doors of the store, I grab the handle and pull it open, holding it for the taller boy to enter first.

"What exactly do you need from here?" I ask, grabbing a basket before scanning the somewhat bare shelves for what sounds good for dinner.

"Just something." He said nonchalantly. I see him leave the aisle out of the corner of my eye. I eye the ramen section and pick up a small cup and placing it in my basket before walking over to the drink coolers. Looking at what is in stock, I decide on a lime flavored soda. I put it in the basket next to the ramen cup and go to the aisle I saw Tsukishima enter, noticing on the way that it's the baking aisle.

I walk up behind him, "I didn't know you liked baking Saltyshima," he jumped, having not heard me walk up to him. He held a basket in one hand and small paper I assumed was a recipe in the other. I look in the basket and see a few things I assume to be ingredients.

"I don't, it's for my mom. I don't even know how to bake." I snickered, hearing that there's actually something blondie didn't know how to do. Composing myself, I reach out and grab the paper, looking at it. I point in the basket he was holding.

"That confectioners sugar is unnecessary unless it's for decoration, you need granulated sugar," he looks at me with a confused look on his face.

"What's the difference?" He asks, I hold in a laugh, thinking he was kidding. He looks at me blankly, and I notice he was being serious.

"Confectioners sugar is a very fine powder, you usually hear it called powdered sugar, so people who don't bake don't usually understand the difference, while granulated sugar is just your everyday sugar used in most things," as I explained it to him, he facepalmed, apparently noticing why it was a mistake. "The powdered sugar is more so used for icing and presentation." I let out a small giggle at the taller boy's frustration.

"All it said was sugar, there were several kinds and I got confused alright? Can you not make fun of me midget?" He pushed is glasses up with his thumb and index finger and lightly presses them on the bridge of his nose for a few seconds.

"Like you're one to talk Saltyshima, you make fun of me all the time," I smirk, "wouldn't it only be fair for me to tease you just this once?" I let out a light giggle. He rolls his eyes, glaring at me.

"Do you need help or not? If you're going to be salty about my response, I'll leave you to suffer on your own. But if you're done being salty about it, maybe if you ask nicely I'll help you bake it." I smirk, knowing he was frustrated.

"Fine. Just this once shortcake. Help me with the damn cake," frustration can be heard in his voice, "please." He added, mumbling. I could barely hear the last word, but it was there just to the point I could hear it, which make me smirk.

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