His Smile

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His smile. That's all I can think of after seeing it, it seemed so genuine and playful.. wait stop. Stop it. I know I am NOT thinking about stupid Tsukishima Kei's smile. I hate him and he hates me, nothing more, nothing less. Although.. he's nice to be around. No, stop.

You know what, I give up on thinking. My brain is clearly fried, there are no good thoughts coming from it.

After the boys cool off for about 15 minutes, they decide to play one more match against each other. I plop down on the bench once again and watch, subconsciously stealing glances at the tall blond, all that I could think of was his smile. I look at the floor as a light blush spreads across my cheeks. Without thinking, I rub my left thumb over the bandage on my right hand, remembering the gentleness of his touch on my skin.

Before I knew it, the boys begin cleaning up. I stand up and go join them, once again taking down the net and grabbing the poles, putting them in their rightful spot on the storage room before returning to the gym, broom in hand. I begin sweeping the floor, making sure I don't miss anything. Once I'm finished with that, I walk over to Daichi.

"Is there anything else that needs to be done before I head out Daichi-San?" I ask, hoping he'll ignore the fact that it's almost pitch dark outside.

"There is one thing, go tell Tsukishima to come over here. You also need to wait with us." I nod and walk away, looking around the gym for the giant. I spot him in the far corner, now in normal clothes, rather than his volleyball uniform or school uniform, talking to the boy with green hair and freckles that I've seen so many times, yet I don't know his name. I walk over to them, waving at the smaller of the two before turning my attention to the blonde one.

"Daichi-san says he needs you, I don't know what for, but you better get your lanky ass over there before he makes you do diving drills." He rolls his eyes and walks away. The freckled boy and I stand there in silence

"I'm sorry, but I never caught your name. I'm Itsuki Kai, but you can call me Itsuki. I'm from class 1-4, and if I remember correctly we're in the same class, right?" I fiddle with the right sleeve of my hoodie, having not been given a uniform to wear, I stay in my school uniform.

He looks at me, "o-oh, yeah. I've seen you in class before. I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi." He smiles, which was adorable, he kind of reminded me of a puppy.

"Well then, nice to meet you Yamaguchi-kun. I'm going to go get my things, see you tomorrow!" I wave at him and smile before walking up to the club room. The door was open so I let myself in. I grab my bag and walked out.

I walk out of the club room, ready to head out when I see Daichi waiting, and next to him was the tall blond. I was hoping they weren't waiting for me, and instead were waiting for someone else. Against my wishes, Daichi calls me over. I listen, walking over to him.

"Hi Daichi-san, Tsukishima-Kun," I greet them, only turning to Tsukishima in greeting before turning back to face Daichi, "what do you need me for?" I asked, obviously confused since he only said I had to get the blond giant for him and wait.

"I asked Tsukishima if he could walk you home since it's dark, a girl like you shouldn't be out there alone. You could get kidnapped." He pats the boy next to him on the shoulder, a look of annoyance on his face.

"Thank you Daichi-san, but I'll be fine, I don't want to burden Tsukishima-kun anyway, he probably has better things to do. Plus I have to stop at the store on my way home" I smile, fiddling with the straps of my bag.

"It isn't a problem, and Daichi's right, you shouldn't be out in the dark alone dumbass." For once his tone seemed genuine instead of being full of sarcasm.

"Seriously, I'm fine. I can handle myself," The blond boy raises an eyebrow at me, seemingly remembering this morning, I shoot him a glare before returning my gaze to the older boy, "you don't have to worry about me if it'll make you feel any better I can give you my phone number so I can let you know if I get home safe." I say, doing my best to convince me, he nods and hands me his unlocked phone, putting my number in Daichi says something.

"Tsukishima is still going with you though," I pout, knowing there was no way I could argue my way out of it, "I'd rather you have someone there with you in case something were to happen."

"Fine, but I'm only agreeing because I don't want to be here all night and I'm sure nobody else does either," I give a half-hearted wave, "anyway, see you tomorrow, get home safely" I turn around and walk off, hearing Tsukishima's footsteps behind me, quickly catching up.

We walked in silence for a bit. Once we were far enough away from the school I break the silence, "you don't have to stay with me, you should just walk home" I say just loud enough for him to hear.

"And do what, let you get kidnapped? Not a chance shortcake. I'd get beat by Daichi if that happened. I have to grab a few things from the store anyway." He stares off into the distance, a cold breeze disrupting the stillness of the bushes along the road.

I look out of the corner of my eye to see the tall blond shove his hands in his pockets to try to protect them from the cold. I search my bag for the gloves I had put in there, they were my dad's, they were too big for my hands, but they were warm. I find them and pull them out. I shove the gloves in his pocket with his hand. He looks at me with a confused face.

"What? Am I not allowed to be nice?"

"I didn't say anything." His ears had a slight pink tint, though I couldn't tell if it was from the cold or something else.

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