Chapter Two - The Shining Beacon

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After arriving at Beacon Academy, Sasuke makes his way to the auditorium. In the auditorium, the students waited patiently while talking amongst themselves. The topics of the many conversations varied from their excitement at attending Beacon Academy to anxiety of what was to come. After a moment, Ozpin entered the stage. As the crowd went silent, Ozpin began his speech.

Ozpin: I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

As Ozpin finished his speech, Glynda steps up.

Glynda: You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed.

With that, Sasuke followed the rest of the students to the ballroom. Later that night, Sasuke sat alone, pondering on the initiation to come. His mind soon falls back to a childhood memory of himself and Sasuke.

Sasuke(Past): Big brother! Big brother! Can you teach me the Shuriken Manuever?

Itachi(Past): Sorry, Sasuke. I have an important mission tomorrow.

Sasuke(Past): What?! But you promised you'd teach me today!

Itachi(Past): I'm sorry, Sasuke. Maybe some other time.

Sasuke(Past): You're a liar!

Sasuke remembered Itachi tapping his forehead. It was something Itachi always did. As Sasuke looked back on that memory, it seemed so long ago. Now he had set out to kill his once beloved older brother for what he did. Suddenly, he was approached by Ruby and a blonde girl.

Sasuke: What do you want?

Ruby: I....I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. It was totally stupid.

Blonde: So this is the guy you were telling me about? He's not bad looking.

Ruby: Yang!

Yang: Take it easy, Rubes! This guy kinda reminds of that Blake girl we just met. Quiet, brooding, I wonder if they're related. 

Saskue scoffed off Yang's statement. It wasn't long before Weiss spoke up. 

Weiss: What in the world is going on over here?! Don't you realize that some of us are trying to sleep?! 

As Weiss approached Ruby and Yang, she noticed Sasuke.

Weiss: Hello, Sasuke. 

Yang: How about we all start over again! We haven't even started our year at Beacon, so how about we start over! 

Weiss: And how do you propose that?

Yang: How about we introduce ourselves? We say our names, what we like, what we don't like, dreams and all that! You go first, Rubes! 

Ruby: Um....okay. I'm Ruby Rose. As a girl, I wanted to be just like those heroes in the books... Someone who fought for what was right, and protected people who couldn't protect themselves!

Weiss: How absolutely childish! 

Blake: That's... very ambitious for a child. Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale.

Ruby: How about you, Sasuke?

As Sasuke posed that question, he wanted nothing more than to just ignore them. But at this point, Sasuke realized that they wouldn't stop bugging him until he at least gave out some form of introduction. 

Sasuke: My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone.

As Sasuke said this, Ruby and Yang were disturbed by this. Even the composed Weiss couldn't help but feel uneasy. This caught Blake's attention who looked at Sasuke's way. She couldn't help but wonder about Sasuke's motivations. 

Ruby: I....I hope you're not referring to me....

Sasuke: I've made my introductions. Now would you all go away?

Yang: Hey! We're just trying to be friendly!

Sasuke: And I'm clearly not interested. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to become stronger. 

Ruby: So you don't even care about being a Huntsman? To help the kingdoms of Remnant fight off Grimm?

Sasuke: Being a Huntsman for me isn't about being some hero. Being a Huntsman to me is a means to an end. A way to accomplish my goal. If you want to try and be a hero, that's your problem. 

As Sasuke said that, it became clear that Sasuke was not interested in making friends. As Yang and Weiss walked away, Ruby stayed behind. She took a deep breath and spoke to Sasuke. 

Ruby: I know we got off to a very rough start, but I'm hoping we can at least be friends? 

Sasuke said nothing much to Ruby's disappointment. 

Ruby: I....I see you're no longer in a mood to talk. I'll just be going to sleep. Good luck with the uh....brooding. I'll see you at initiation! 

With that, Ruby left Sasuke alone. As Sasuke was finally left alone, he took a deep breath. He could already tell that those three girls were going to be an annoyance to him. But Sasuke didn't dwell too long on that. All that mattered to him was passing the initiation so that he may enroll at Beacon. And with enrollment at Beacon, Sasuke would train himself to become strong enough so that he may kill Itachi and avenge his family. But for now, all Sasuke could do was prepare for whatever initiation had in store for him.  

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