Chapter Thirty - Below The Surface

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After joining up with Kabuto and his team, Sasuke and Team RWBY make their way to Mountain Glenn. As they entered the abandoned settlement, a sense of uneasiness was felt among the Beacon students. 

Yang: Is it me or did this place get worse?

Zaku: What's the matter, kid? Scared? 

Weiss: The last time we were here, we were running from a horde of Grimm that poured into Vale. 

Kabuto: If the old map of Mountain Glenn is accurate, then Merlot Industries should be at the center of town.

Sasuke: Then we better get a move on before we run into any Grimm.

With that, Sasuke and Team RWBY along with Kabuto's Team began making their way to the center of town. On the way there, they spotted a large group of Grimm nearby. The two teams hid behind cover as Sasuke used his Sharingan surveyed the area. 

Sasuke: Looks like a pack of Beowolves. A big one. 

Ruby: How big?

Sasuke: Big enough to cause a problem if we're not careful. 

Blake: If we fight those Grimm, there's a good chance that they'll alert nearby Grimm. 

Ruby: Then we better take them down fast....

Before Sasuke and Team RWBY could spring into action, Kabuto stops them.

Kabuto: That won't be necessary. Kin? Would you do the honors?

Kin nods to Kabuto as she prepares three senbon with bells attached to them. She then throws them towards the pack of Grimm. When the bells begin to ring, the Grimm began to loudly roar in pain and quickly run away. 

Weiss: How in Oum....

Kabuto: We should get moving before more Grimm come back. 

Wasting no time, Sasuke and Team RWBY along with Kabuto's team began advancing to the center of town. Soon enough, they came across the Merlot Industries building.

Yang: Huh. This place doesn't look that bad compared to the rest of Mountain Glenn.

Blake: You'd think this place wasn't hit when the Grimm overran this place.

With that, the two teams went inside the Merlot Industries building. Just like the outside, the interior of the building was well kept. It was a stark contrast to the rundown state of the rest of the settlement. It wasn't long until Ruby found something. 

Ruby: Guys! Look!

Ruby then points to several empty cages. As everyone investigates the cages, Dosu felt vibrations on his arm. 

Dosu: We're not alone. 

Sasuke: How do you figure?

Dosu: I've calibrated my Echo Speaker to pick up any sound vibrations nearby. 

With that, Dosu lead everyone to the source of the sound vibrations. When they enter the next room, they are shocked to see more cages. This time, these cages contained Grimm.

Weiss: Those...those are Grimm.

Yang: Looks like we found where our mystery bad guy is getting these Grimm.

As the two teams entered the room, the Grimm inside the cages quickly notice the Huntsmen and become agitated as they began roaring at them. The Huntsmen quickly readied their weapons, preparing for a fight. However, the Grimm were unable to break out of the cage.

Kabuto: The cages must be strong if they can hold Grimm that big.

Sasuke: But I'm not seeing anything around here that can explain those mutated Grimm we saw in the Emerald Forest.

Suddenly, alarms began blaring throughout the facility. At first, the group thought they had triggered an alarm system. However, the cages began moving away from them.

Byph: The cages...they're moving!

It didn't take long for Sasuke, Team RWBY and Kabuto's team to notice that the cages were moving along mechanized tracks.

Sasuke: Those tracks might lead us to whoever is making those Grimm. 

With that, the two teams began following the tracks. When they reach the containment area, a secret security door was opened up, allowing the cages to pass through. Sasuke, Team RWBY and Kabuto's team soon follow the tracks to an underground tunnel system.

Ruby: Whoa...

Kabuto: seems that the Merlot Industries facility is connected to Mountain Glenn's subterranean levels!

With that, the two teams pressed forward, keeping their guard up. As they followed the tracks, they found another set of tracks parallel to them. Those tracks had shipment crates. Sasuke walks towards one of the shipment crates and inspects it using his Sharingan.

Ruby: Sasuke?

Sasuke: Those crates have Dust in them. 

Blake: But why would they be carrying Dust? 

Weiss: Dust is highly valuable. 

Kabuto: Do you think all this Dust is connected to those Grimm?

Weiss: It's a possibility. I....I can't fathom how or why you would try anything to combine the two?

Zaku: Well those Grimm didn't come from nowhere, princess. 

Ruby: But...who's creating those Grimm?

Sasuke: I don't know. But I doubt it's for anything good.

As the two teams continued to follow the tracks, they could see more shipments of Dust as well as cages containing Grimm. It became clear that whoever was behind the sabotage of the Security Network in the Emerald Forest had something big in mind for these Grimm. Soon enough, they followed the tracks to what appeared to be a harbor. At the harbor was a large transport freighter

Yang: Okay...that's new.

Sasuke: Kabuto, is there anything in the Mountain Glenn schematics about this harbor?

Kabuto: According to the schematics I have on file, this harbor was used as a trading port between Mountain Glenn and the other kingdoms. However, when Mountain Glenn fell, this harbor fell into disarray and all the kingdoms ceased all trade within that harbor out of fear of Grimm attacks.

Sasuke: So in other words, there's no way this harbor should be up and running.

Ruby: That means that cargo ship could be going anywhere.

Yang: So what's the plan?

As Yang asked that question, it became clear to Sasuke that there was only one course for them to take.

Sasuke: We'll have to stowaway in that cargo ship.

Weiss: I was afraid you were going to say that....

Sasuke: It's our only option, Weiss

Kabuto: Sasuke's right. Whoever's behind all of this is planning something big with the Grimm. And that cargo ship just may be our ticket to getting to the bottom of it.

Sasuke: Since there's no telling what kind of security detail is stationed on board that ship, we'll need to play it smart and not alert anyone.

With that, Sasuke and Team RWBY along with Kabuto's team snuck inside the cargo ship. Once all the cargo was on board, the ship sets sail for it's destination. Now all they waited inside the ship while it makes it's way to it's destination. In that moment, they were on track to uncovering the mastermind behind this plot.

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