Chapter Thirty One - The Island Of Dr. Merlot

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After sneaking on board the freighter, Sasuke and Team RWBY along with Kabuto's team hid as the ship made it's voyage. After some time, the freighter stops. Upon seeing the cages being moved, the two teams exited the freighter. As they did so, they surveyed their surrounding. The terrain of the island was mainly sandy with the plant life. At the center of the island was a large laboratory complex.

Yang: How much you want to bet that the guy responsible for those Grimm is in there?

Weiss: That lab certainly doesn't look inviting. 

Sasuke: Then we better get a move on. 

Kabuto: We better be careful. We're in uncharted territory. Danger could be lurking in every corner.

With that, the two teams began navigating through the island while making their way to the complex. As they walked through the sandy plains,Team felt uneasy. 

Ruby: I've got a bad feeling about this...

Yang: No kidding. This place gives me the creeps.

Blake: It's best that we keep our guard up.

With that, Sasuke and Team RWBY along with Kabuto's team continued making their way to the complex. It wasn't long before they were stopped by a group of Androids.

Android: Intruder alert. Eliminate intruders with extreme prejudice.

Without hesitation, the Androids began firing on the two teams. Without hesitation, Zaku aims both of his arms and fires a pressured mixture of sound waves and airwaves from the holes in the palms of his hands into the area where the Androids were. The Droids were smashed into a nearby wall, destroying them. 

Ruby: Whoa! Cool! 

Kabuto then walked over to one of the destroyed Droids and inspected it.

Kabuto: Hhm. That's interesting. Looks like our mystery assailant has a detachment of Droids acting as security.

Sasuke: Meaning they don't want to be found. 

After dealing with the Droids, they continued making their way to the laboratory. As they closed in on the complex, they found evidence of Grimm attacks. Suddenly, they were attacked by a massive mutated Ursa Major.

Ruby: We got trouble!

Without hesitation, Yang charged into battle against the Grimm. The Mutated Ursa Major sweeps her aside. Zaku unleashes another another sound/air attack on the Grimm, but the Mutated Ursa Major tanks it. 

Zaku: Fall, damnit! 

The Grimm roars as it charges at Zaku. When the Grimm grabs Zaku, Kin throws several senbon at the Grimm's arm. The senbon then generate high pitched sound which causes the Mutated Ursa Major to scream in pain, forcing it to let go of Zaku. Team RWBY seizes the opportunity to launch a coordinated attack on the Grimm, but it quickly overpowers them.

Blake: This Grimm is stronger than the last one!

Yang: Guess we know where he's juicing those Grimm up....

As Team RWBY recovered from the Grimm's attack, Sasuke charged up a powerful Chidori. He then runs up to the Mutated Ursa Major and lands the Chidori on the Mutated Grimm. As the Grimm was stunned, Dosu steps on and channels a powerful sound wave which disorients the Grimm. Weiss then summons several Glyphs which fires ice shards at it. Yang charges in and lands several hits with Ember Celica. Ruby and Blake perform their Ladybug attack using their speed, Ruby and Blake attack the enemy from opposite sides in alternating sliding maneuvers. Sasuke lands the finishing strike by thrusting his sword into the Grimm's mask, shattering it. As the Grimm's body disintegrates, Sasuke and Team RWBY took a moment to gather their bearings. Sasuke quickly notices something odd about this.

Sasuke: Something's not right about this.

Weiss: What do you mean?

Sasuke: It's clear Grimm attacks are pretty common here, but I'm not seeing any Droid parts. 

Kabuto: An astute observation, Sasuke. 

Ruby: But what's keeping the Grimm contained?

Sasuke: I don't know. But whatever it is, I doubt it's good. We should keep moving. 

With that, the two teams moved on. As they did so, a Probe Droid was monitoring their movements. Eventually, they reached the entrance to the laboratory which was sealed up.

Ruby: Guess knocking on the front door is out of the question?

Suddenly, a voice was heard on their communications. At first, the voice was unintelligible. It wasn't long before the transmission was cleared. 

???(Communicator): Ahhh, that's better. Sorry, but the reception is always so bad all the way out here. I hope you're enjoying your stay on the island. You're the first visitors I've had in, well, you are the first.

Sasuke: Who is this?

???(Communicator): Oh, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Dr. Merlot. You don't know me, but I most certainly know who you are. You're quite the interesting bunch.

Blake: Wait a minute. Dr. Merlot? The guy who's supposed to be dead?

Merlot(Communicator): The very same. It seems that the reports on my death have been....exaggerated. Nevertheless, I'm thrilled you're here. You might be exactly what I need for a very important... experiment.

Yang: An experiment? Are you trying to bore us to death?

Merlot(Communicator): Now now, young lady. For such terrific students as yourselves, this should be an easy test, right?

As Merlot said this, the doors to the laboratory began to open. Sasuke and Team RWBY along with Kabuto's team readied their weapons, expecting a fight. But when the doors were opened, they found nothing.

Weiss: That looks...inviting.

Yang: What now?

Kabuto: The only thing we can do is press forward.

Blake: There's a good chance that this could be a trap. Whatever experiments that Dr. Merlot has ready for us, I doubt it'll be easy.

Sasuke: But we don't exactly have a lot of options. Between the Droids, the shipment of Dust and Grimm as well as those Mutated Grimm, we've got no idea what this is all about.

Ruby: Sasuke is right. Whatever Dr. Merlot's intentions are, the answers we're looking for are in this lab. We'll just have to take our chances.

With that, Sasuke and Team RWBY along with Kabuto's team entered the laboratory. In that moment, they were now on the Island of Dr. Merlot. But dangers would lurk within every corner. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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