Chapter Twenty Two - A Dire Warning

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After his encounter with Orochimaru, Ozpin resumed the placement of the seal around Sasuke's Curse Mark. Once it was finished, Ozpin took a deep breath. It wasn't long until Sasuke finally woke up.

Sasuke: Where...where am I?

Ozpin: Easy there, Mr. Uchiha. You've had a busy day.

Sasuke: I....I remember fighting that man...Orochimaru. He...he bit me....

Ozpin: Your teammates told me everything about your fight with Orochimaru. It seems that he placed a Curse Mark upon you.

Sasuke: A Curse Mark?

Ozpin: A cursed seal that feeds off a user's own Aura and replaces it with that of Orochimaru's. When active, the Curse Mark has the ability to amplify a user's powers and abilities. However, prolonged use of the Curse Mark corrodes the mind, making them more susceptible to Orochimaru's influence.

Upon hearing this, Sasuke placed his hand on the Curse Mark itself. While the worst of the pain he felt upon receiving it has passed, Sasuke still felt a lingering pain within.

Ozpin: I was able to create a seal around the Curse Mark, which should suppress the Curse Mark. However, the seal is only as powerful as you are. If you use the Curse Mark, the seal will weaken over time. Repeat uses will cause the Curse Mark to overpower the seal and the curse will be unleashed in all it's fury.

Sasuke said nothing as he processed this. Even as he felt the lingering pain, Sasuke felt a surge of power that he never felt coursing through him. Ozpin surveyed Sasuke's condition, greatly concerned about what Orochimaru said to him.

Sasuke: What now?

Ozpin: As long as you don't use the Curse Mark, the seal will keep the Curse Mark dormant. But no matter what happens, do NOT use the Curse Mark. Whatever promises it may yield, it is not worth being Orochimaru's slave.

As Ozpin gave Sasuke that warning, Sasuke fell silent, unsure about how to react to this. After a moment of uneasy silence, Ozpin got up.

Ozpin: We're done here, Mr. Uchiha. Your teammates are waiting outside. They've been worried sick about you. If you have any questions and concerns about your....condition, do not hesitate to ask me.

Sasuke got up and left the medical facility in Beacon. He was soon met by the members of Team RWBY.

Ruby: Sasuke! Are you okay?!

Sasuke: I'm fine, Ruby.

Weiss: You had us worried sick, Sasuke!

Yang: Yeah. We thought we lost you for a second.

Sasuke: It was nothing I couldn't handle.

Blake: What about that...thing Orochimaru put on you?

Ozpin: That matter is being taken care of as we speak, Miss Belladonna. I would like to thank you on bringing this...troubling matter to my attention. Rest assured that we will not stop until Orochimaru is brought to justice. In the meantime, I believe it's time you all rested.

With that, Sasuke and the members of Team RWBY began heading back before the Dorms, but not beforre Ozpin had one more warning for Sasuke.

Ozpin: Remember what I said, Sasuke. The Curse Mark will only destroy you.

With that final warning issued, Sasuke and the other members of Team RWBY began making their way back to their Dorm. As they did so, they talked to Sasuke.

Blake: So what now?

Ruby: I....I don't know.

Sasuke: I don't see why anything has to change. Torchwick and the White Fang is out there.

Ruby: But...but what about Orochimaru?

Weiss: Professor Ozpin assured us that Orochimaru won't be an issue.

Ruby said nothing as she glanced over to Sasuke with worry in her eyes. The last thing Orochimaru said to her echoed in her head.

Ruby(Past): Sasuke! monster! What did you do to Sasuke?!

Orochimaru: I just gave him a little parting gift. Very soon, Sasuke will seek me out of his own free will in desire of my power. In the meantime, I enjoyed the demonstration of the powers you already possess.

Ruby(Past): Whatever you're planning....we'll stop you! Do you hear me?!

Orochimaru: Poor poor little rose. In the grand scheme of time, you are nothing more than a trivial footnote in history. You don't know it yet, but events will transpire that you cannot stop. Powers greater than you could ever imagine have their eyes set on Vale. And not even old Ozpin can stop it not matter how hard he tries. This is where we part ways....for now...

As those words echoed in Ruby's ear, she was greatly worried about Sasuke. Despite Ozpin's reassurance, Ruby couldn't help but worry about Sasuke. As for Sasuke, he would heed Ozpin's warnings. However, the Curse Mark was already beginning to prey upon Sasuke's desire for vengeance and power. Sasuke couldn't help but hear the words Itachi spoke to him.

Itachi(Past): Foolish little brother, if you wish to kill me in hate and revenge, survive in an unsightly way as this, then flee. Cling to your wretched life. And then one day, when you possess the same eyes, come back and face me....

As those words echoed in Sasuke's mind, he was reminded of his vow to kill Itachi and avenge his family. But for now, Sasuke would rest and prepare for the next day. Meanwhile in his office, Ozpin pondered on what has transpired. With the return of Orochimaru, his shadow war against Salem had become more complicated. Despite this, Ozpin would continue moving forward with his plans for fighting Salem. What Ozpin didn't realized that agents of both Salem and Orochimaru had already planted themselves within Beacon Academy, ready to enact their respective master's will

The Tale Of Sasuke Uchiha: A RWBY StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon