Chapter Four - The Morning After

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In the morning after Initiation, Sasuke was the first to wake up in Team RWBY's dorm. Suddenly, Ruby blows a whistle, waking everyone else up.

Ruby: Good morning, team RWBY!

Weiss: What in the world is wrong with you?

Ruby: Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business.

Blake: And that would be? 

Yang then presents a series of decorations. 

Yang: Decorating! 

Blake: Oh right. We still need to unpack. And clean. 

As Weiss and Blake get off from their beds, Ruby pulls out a whistle and blows it loudly. Sasuke showed no interest in this whatsoever.  

Ruby: Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission! And with Team RWBY is Sasuke Uchiha!

Sasuke: Do you have to be so annoying?

Ruby: Banzai! 

With that, Team RWBY along with Sasuke begin the process of decorating the dorm room. As they decorated the dorm room, it was clear to everyone that Sasuke had no interest in this. Despite this, Sasuke participated. As they put the finishing touches to the dorms, only one thing was out of place. The beds were all cramped together in the center of the floor.

Weiss: This isn't going to work.

Blake: It is a bit cramped. 

Yang: Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff...

Ruby: There's barely enough room for Sasuke!

Yang: Maybe he could bunk with one of us?

Sasuke looked around the dorm room. As he looked around the room, Ruby came up with an idea. 

Ruby: Or we could ditch the beds... and replace them with bunk beds!

Weiss: Umm, that sounds incredibly dangerous.

Yang: And super-awesome!

Blake: It does seem efficient.

Weiss: Well, we should put it to a vote!

Ruby: I think we just did. What do you think, Sasuke? Do you think it will work?

As Ruby asked this, Sasuke looks around the dorm room.

Sasuke: I don't care either way.

Yang: Wow. Way to contribute to the team, jerk.

Sasuke: As long as I have room to sleep, this setup will suffice.

Ruby: That's good enough for me! All right, Team RWBY! Let's do this!

With that, Team RWBY along with Sasuke began the process of turning the four beds into makeshift bunk beds. Sasuke quickly realized that this would no doubt be a challenge. Sasuke helped provide the heavy lifting while Ruby and the others applied the necessary touches needed to create the makeshift bunk beds. When it was done, Weiss' bed is simply on the ground next to her art and luggage, Blake's bed is next to her books, which are used to raise Yang's bed over it by placing the novels on the posts, and Ruby's is hanging from ropes on the ceiling with a blanket used as a tent over it. At the very corner of the dorm room, Sasuke's bed remained unchanged.

Weiss: That doesn't look safe. At all. 

Sasuke: As long as it holds, it should suffice.

Blake: Maybe we should test out the top bunks just to be safe. 

As Blake said that, all eyes fell on Sasuke. 

Sasuke: What?

Ruby: Are you sure you don't want to rearrange your bed? We could easily put it at the center of the room!

Sasuke: It's fine. I much like my current setup.

Yang: I wouldn't try convincing dark and brooding over here.

Sasuke scoffed at Yang's words. At this point, Ruby stepped in.

Ruby: Oh, right. Forgot about that. 

Ruby and Yang proceeded to test out the integrity of their beds. As they got on their beds, the beds surprisingly held up. 

Yang: Seems pretty stable to me!

Ruby: Same! Objective: Complete! Hey Sasuke! Does it look stable from where you're standing?

Sasuke said nothing as he expressed obvious annoyance at the situation. Ruby and Yang jumped off from their beds. They then proceeded to high five each other.

Ruby: Allllright! Our second order of business iiiiiiiis.....

Ruby then takes a look at her notebook. 

Ruby: Classes! Now, we have a few classes together today. At 9, we've got to be....

Weiss: What?! Did you say 9 o'clock?

Ruby: Umm.....

Weiss: It's 8:55, you dunce!

As Weiss said that, all of Team RWBY rushed out of the door so that they wouldn't be late for class. Sasuke sighed in annoyance as they all ran past the door. Sasuke then glances over to the makeshift bunk beds made by Team RWBY. He could see that the ropes holding the top bunks were loose. Sasuke then climbs up to where the ropes were and tightens them. He took the time to make the top bunks more sturdy and the supports holding the top bunks even sturdier. Once he was done, Sasuke looked upon the improved bunk beds and was impressed with himself. 

Sasuke: That should hold. 

???: Not conventional, but effective. 

Sasuke turned around to see Ozpin standing outside the dorm.

Sasuke: Headmaster Ozpin. 

Ozpin: I just say the rest of your team rushing to class. 

Sasuke: They lost track of time with the decorating. I stayed behind to make sure this....setup was sturdy.

Ozpin: A fair point, my young friend. I see you've made some adjustments. 

Sasuke: Nothing too drastic. Just made the top bunks sturdier and more stable. I actually just finished. The last thing I needed was for my teammates to injure themselves while sleeping. I'd rather not deal with that. 

Ozpin: I'll leave you to your business then. 

Sasuke nods to Ozpin as the Beacon Headmaster raises his mug. After that, Sasuke leaves the dorm room and begins making his way to the class where Team RWBY was. In that moment, Sasuke was ready to begin his first day as a student of Beacon Academy. 

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