Chapter Thirteen - A Minor Hiccup

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As days pass, Sasuke continues his training as a Huntsman alongside Team RWBY. Eventually, Team RWBY become eager to start up their investigation into Roman Torchwick and the White Fang. After class ended, Sasuke and Team RWBY met up in their dorm.

Blake: I thought that class would never end.

Ruby: Alright, guys, today's the day! The investigation begins!

Weiss: I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously.

Yang: Hey, we've got a plan! That's... moderately serious.

Ruby: Right! Everyone remember their roles?

Weiss: You and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.

Sasuke: Maybe I should join you two just in case. If the last few weeks have taught me anything, it's that trouble always seems to come around whenever you two are together.

As Sasuke says this, Ruby lets out a nervous chuckle while Weiss simply rolls her eyes.

Blake: The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning.

Yang: I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard...

Ruby: Great! We'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we found. Let's do this!

???: Yeah!

Upon hearing the voice, everyone turns around to see a smiling Sun Wukong hanging upside down by his tail in their open window.

Blake: Sun!

Yang: How did you get up there?

Sun: Ah, it's easy; I do it all the time.

Weiss: You do what?!

Sun: I climb trees all the time! So, are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?

After much convincing, Team RWBY allows Sun and Neptune who was dragged along for the ride to help them in their investigation. After that, the investigation starts with everyone splitting up to do their parts. As he stated earlier, Sasuke joined Ruby and Weiss. When they reach the CCT Tower, Ruby was in awe.

Ruby: Woooow! I forget how big the Transmit tower looks up close!

Weiss: You should see the one in Atlas!

Ruby: That was the first one, right?

Weiss: Correct. Atlas developed the Cross Continental Transmit System to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another. It was their gift to the world after the Great War.

Ruby: Oooh, look at me! My name's Weiss! I know facts! I'm rich!

Sasuke: Do you have to be so annoying? 

Weiss: Don't be a pest! Besides, the only reason we're here is because you like the tower so much! We could have just as easily made a call from the library!

Ruby: I know, but it's so coool! Ooh, I'm going to take a picture!

Ruby then pulls out her Scroll, ready to take a picture of the CCT Tower. In her excitement, the device is launched from her hands, bouncing along the pavement until it lands at Penny's feet. Penny then picks up the Scroll and hands it to Ruby.

Penny: You dropped this.

Ruby: Penny?! Where have you been? We haven't seen you since that night at the docks!

Penny: S-Sorry. I think you're confused.

Penny begins hiccupping. She then turns around and runs off in a hurry.

Weiss: What was that about?

Ruby: I don't know, but I'm going to find out. You go make your call! I'll meet up with you later!

Weiss: I hate it when she does that.....

Sasuke: I'll get her. You continue the investigation. 

With that, Sasuke joins Ruby as she runs after Penny while Weiss does her part. It didn't take long for Sasuke to catch up with Ruby and Penny near an alleyway.

Sasuke: There you are. Mind telling me what this is about?

Ruby: Penny! Where have you been? It's been weeks!

Penny: There seems to be a... misunderstanding.

Ruby: What?! Penny... Is everything okay?

Penny attempts to walk away, but Ruby stops her.

Ruby: Penny, please stop! Look, I don't know what's wrong, but you have to listen to me! Those guys we fought at the docks, we think they're up to something big, something bad! I need you to tell me what happened to you that night! Please... As a friend.

As Ruby pleads to Penny, she looks around to make sure the coast was clear. Once she confirms this to be the case, Penny sighs.

Penny: It isn't safe to talk here.

Sasuke: Why the need for secrecy? What's going on?

Penny: It will all make sense soon. both deserve to know.

Penny then takes Sasuke and Ruby to a secluded area far from prying eyes.

Penny: I wish I could help you, Ruby, but I don't know anything about those men.

Ruby: Well, what happened to you that night? We were all together, and then you just disappeared! Were you kidnapped?

Penny: Oh, no! Nothing like that!

Ruby: Then where did you go?

Penny: I've never been to another kingdom before. My father asked me not to venture out too far, but... You have to understand, my father loves me very much; he just worries a lot. He does amazing work for the kingdom.

Sasuke: That still doesn't answer our question. What do you have to hide?

Suddenly, Atlas Soldiers were heard heading their way. Penny then runs with Ruby and Sasuke following her. As they run, Ruby attempts to use her Semblance to rush Penny away, but collapses due to Penny's weight and in the middle of the road. A van rushes at them.

Sasuke: Blast it!

Sasuke then rushes to try and get Ruby out of the way, but Penny zips past him with blinding speed. Sasuke was taken back by Penny's speed. Before the van could run her over, Penny stops the van with her bare hands. After that, the three were able to slip away in an alleyway. It was at this moment that Penny revealed the metal beneath the torn skin on her palms.

Penny: Ruby... I'm not a real girl...

In that moment, Penny revealed herself as a robot to Ruby and Sasuke. In that moment, the investigation into Roman Torchwick and the White Fang had hit a minor hiccup.

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