Chapter Eleven - Best Day Ever

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After the incident at the docks, the members of Team RWBY were able to complete the rest of the first semester without much incident. One day at the last day of their break, Ruby spoke with her teammates just as they were waking up. 

Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Yang: This ought to be good.

Ruby: A dream that one day, the four of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had...ever!

Weiss: Did you steal my binder?

Ruby: I am not a crook!

Blake: What are you talking about?

Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!

Yang: I always kick my semesters off with a Yang! Eh? Guys? Am I right?

As Yang made that pun, there was a collective groan of embarrassment from the other members of Team RWBY. Sasuke was especially annoyed. 

Ruby: Look guys, it's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow! Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today.

Sasuke: Why do I get the feeling these "wonderful events" you're planning is going to be at everyone's expense? 

Weiss: I'm with Sasuke. I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store.

Ruby: Let's go!

At this point, Sasuke simply went along with what Ruby had in store. In the cafeteria, Sasuke was having his lunch. All was quiet until suddenly, a massive food fight broke out. At the center of this food fight was Team RWBY and Team JNPR.

Nora: I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be delicious!

As the food fight commenced, Sasuke sighed in annoyance as he simply tried to eat his food. As Sasuke tried to eat, a plate of mashed potatoes smashes on Sasuke's face.

Ruby: Sorry!

Sasuke said nothing as he wiped the food from his face. At some point, Sun and his friend Neptune entered the cafeteria to see the food fight happening before them.

Sun: I love these guys!

As the food fight continued, Sasuke did his best to stay out of the line of fire. Eventually, the doors to the cafeteria were slammed open as Glynda Goodwitch enters the cafeteria with an angered look on her face.

Glynda: Children, please. Do not play with your food!

Soon enough, Ozpin enters the cafeteria. He looked around the room and could see the mess made during the food fight. However, his reaction was the opposite of Glynda's as he simply chuckled.

Ozpin: Let it go.

Glynda: They're supposed to be the defenders of the world.

Ozpin: And they will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part? After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever.

With that, Ozpin lets the members of Team RWBY and Team JNPR off the hook for the food fight. As Ozpin and Glynda leave the cafeteria, Razer walks over to Team RWBY.

Sasuke: Was this your idea of a "best day ever", Ruby?

Ruby: I don't know. It just....kinda happened.

Sasuke looked around at the mess caused by the food fight.

Yang: I feel bad for the janitors.

Weiss: Nonsense! We are going to clean up the mess we've made at once!

Pyrrha: I agree. It would be horrible if we just left this mess unattended to. We created this mess. It is our responsibility to clean it up.

Sasuke: I'll be out in the Emerald Forest if you need me.

Blake: You've been spending a lot of time there.

Sasuke: Yes. It's a good place for me to train. And get some peace and quiet.

Ruby: Well....good luck with that!

With that, Sasuke left the cafeteria to return to the Emerald Forest. Meanwhile in a warehouse outside of Vale, Roman Torchwick waits inside when Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black enter the room.

Roman: Well if it isn't my esteemed colleagues! How delightful to grace me with your presence!

Mercury: Watch it, Torchwick. 

Roman: Do we have another problem?

Cinder: None at all. My master is sending in a....collaborator to assist in this operation.

Roman: Another kid? Great.

As Roman said this, a man walks into the warehouse. He is wearing a long, black cloak with red clouds, a red interior, and a chin-high collar. He also wore a conical straw hat with small ornamental torques and tassels hanging down over his face. The man then removes his hat, revealing a man with a fair complexion. He had black eyes, under which were long, pronounced tear-troughs. He had jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail and his face was framed with center-parted bangs that extended to his chin. Roman quickly recognized him.

Roman: Itachi Uchiha.....

Cinder: Impressed? 

Roman: I can't say I'm exactly thrilled to be working with this one. 

Emerald: Didn't think you had standards. 

Roman: Usually I don't. But I know the stories of Itachi Uchiha and how he slaughtered his entire family. In fact, I had a run in with his little brother. 

As Roman said that, Itachi silently approached Roman. Itachi stared Roman down with his Sharingan activated. After a moment, Cinder spoke up. 

Cinder: Itachi has a...valuable role in  the days to come. Roman, continue your operations as usual. Itachi will do the same. 

With that, Cinder and her allies moved forward with their plans. In that moment, Itachi Uchiha had arrived at Vale. 

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