Chapter Eight - Forever Fall

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One Glynda Goodwitch leads some of the teams through a forest. The groups included Team RWBY along with Team JNPR and Team CRDL. Joining them was Sasuke. Sasuke's presence made the members of Team CRDL uneasy. As they walk through the forest, Glynda speaks to the students.

Glynda: Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

Glynda then pulls out a jar and presents it to the students.

Glynda: Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!

With that, the teams began to split off to explore the forest. Jaune split off from the group to join with Cardin's team. It was clear to everyone that something was wrong. As Team RWBY and Team JNPR began collecting sap, roaring was suddenly heard in the distance.

Ruby: Did you guys hear that?

Suddenly, the members of Team CRDL minus Cardin began running the other way from the roar through the other students.

Russel: Ursa! Ursa!

Yang: What?! Where?!

Russel: Back there! It's got Cardin!

As Russel said this, Pyrrha drops her jar of sap, knowing that Jaune was with Cardin.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

It was in that moment that Ruby went into leader mode.

Ruby: Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch!

As Yang and Blake followed Ruby's orders, Pyrrha turned to Ren and Nora.

Pyrrha: You two, go with them! There could be more!

Sasuke: This will be over quickly. 

With that, Sasuke joined Ruby, Weiss and Pyrrha as they made their way to where Jaune and Cardin were. They soon saw them facing off against a large Ursa Major attacking Jaune and Cardin. They watch as the Ursa leans over the helpless victim, raising its paw and swiping it down only to be blocked by Jaune's shield, Crocea Mors. He struggles to defend a stunned Cardin from its attempts to lean on him, but Weiss lifts Myrtenaster as she prepares to go help.

Pyrrha: Wait!

As Jaune valiantly fights off the Ursa, Pyrrha uses her Semblance to help Jaune out.

Ruby: Uhhh... What?

Weiss: How did you....

Pyrrha: Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs. My Semblance is polarity.

As Pyrrha said this, Sasuke noticed a group of Ursa Minor making their way to the area.

Sasuke: We've got company. 

Ruby: That's a lot of Grimm.....

Sasuke: They're mine. 

Without hesitation, Sasuke activates his Sharingan and charges into the direction of where the Ursa Minor were. Ruby, Weiss and Pyrrha stayed behind to help Jaune. As Sasuke charged, he was attacked by an Ursa Minor. Sasuke managed to dodge it's strike and follows through by impaling it with a Chidori strike. Sasuke soon found himself surrounded by Ursa Minor. Despite being surrounded, Sasuke stood his ground. 

Sasuke: I can see! 

As the Grimm charged at Sasuke, he jumped up into the air. In mid air, Sasuke takes a deep breath and kneads his Aura. He then expels a large fireball from his mouth. The fireball engulfs most of the Grimm and incinerates them. As he held his ground, one of the few remaining Ursa Minor got the drop on Sasuke, throwing him against a tree. As the Ursa Minor goes to attack, Sasuke rolls out of the way and readies several Kunais. Once the Kunais were ready, he throws them at the Grimm. Sasuke follows through by using his Aura to spit a volley of small fireballs into the air. The fire turns the Kunais into flaming missiles as they tore through the Grimm. As more Grimm came through, Sasuke stood strong. 

Sasuke: I won't let you get in my way!

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard, causing the remaining Ursa Minor to run off. Without hesitation, Sasuke ran to the sound of the roar. To his surprise, he sees Jaune standing tall over the Ursa Major's corpse. Sasuke couldn't help but smile at the fact that Jaune finally showed his strength. 

Sasuke: Interesting. 

Soon after that, it was decided that it was best that they kept the details of this incident to themselves. After that, all teams were able to gather the sap needed to pass. Later that night, Sasuke was preparing to head back to his room when Team RWBY approached him. 

Sasuke: Is there something you need? 

Ruby: Hey, Sasuke! We just wanted to check up on you! We know you fought all those Grimm back at the Forever Fall. 

Sasuke: There is nothing to talk about. I killed most of the Grimm that were heading in your direction and those that were left ran off. That is all.

Yang: Yeah but....that was a lot of Grimm and I'm pretty sure we saw fire!

Sasuke: The fire was from me. 

Ruby: don't have a Fire Semblance.

Weiss: Perhaps Sasuke copied a Fire Semblance. His Sharingan allows him to copy the Semblances of others. 

Sasuke took a moment to note their actions at the Forever Fall. He couldn't help but respect them even if he found them annoying.

Sasuke: You were all foolishly brave today.

Ruby: Um....thanks? I guess?

Sasuke: Perhaps you're all not as hopeless as I assumed. But that is far another time. I am tired and I would very much like to sleep. Good night.

With that, Sasuke and Team RWBY entered the Dorm Room. While Team RWBY were far from cracking Sasuke's shell, they at least had his respect. Only time would tell if they would be able to call Sasuke friend.

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