Chapter Three - Initiation

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After the start of initiation, Sasuke landed in the middle of the Emerald Forest. As Sasuke got to his feet, he immediately began navigating his way through the Emerald Forest to find the temple. On the way there, he encounters a Beowolf. As the Beowolf roared at him, Sasuke stood his ground. 

Sasuke: I won't let anything stand in my way!

Sasuke then activates his Sharingan and begins battling the Grimm. When the Grimm goes for a swipe, Sasuke jumps out of the way and lands on the Beowolf's back. Sasuke then readies a Kunai and stabs the Grimm in the mask. The Grimm roars in pain as it launches Sasuke off. As the Grimm recovers from the attack, Sasuke readies his right hand. A sphere of lightning then forms around it. 

Sasuke: Chidori!

Sasuke then charges at the Grimm and lands the fatal shot at the Grimm's head. As the Grimm died, Sasuke took a moment to catch his breath. After doing so, Sasuke continues navigating through the temple. When he eventually arrived at the temple, he found no chess pieces. As Sasuke looked around, he uses his Sharingan to investigate the area further. Soon enough, he finds an older looking relic buried beneath the ground. As he picks up the relic, roaring was heard. Meanwhile in the Emerald Forest, Ruby and Yang took part in their initiations. Ruby had been partnered up with Weiss while Yang was partnered up with Blake. As they moved through the Emerald Forest, they met up with Jaune who was partnered up with Pyrrha Nikos as well as Ren and Nora. As they cleared a pack of Grimm, the sound of what appeared to be a thousand chirping birds was heard. 

Yang: You guys hear that? 

Before anyone could react, a Beowolf charges at them. As the Beowolf charged at them, Sasuke steps in and dispatches the Grimm with a Chidori strike. Ruby was amazed by this attack.

Ruby: A Lightning Semblance! That's so cool!

Sasuke ignored Ruby's words as he turned to face them. Ruby was quick to notice Sasuke's Sharingan.

Ruby: Are you alright, Sasuke? Your eyes are REALLY red! 

Weiss: That's his Semblance, you dolt! The Sharingan. 

Ruby: Sharin-what?

Weiss: The Sharingan! It's a Semblance that is exclusive to those of the Uchiha family. It allows one to not only enhance one's strength, speed and stamina, but it also allows them to copy any Semblances they see. 

Yang: Whoa! That sounds like one powerful Semblance!

Blake: But I'm sure it has it's limits. 

At this point, Sasuke was getting ready to walk away. Suddenly, a Nevermore swoops down and snatches Sasuke. 

Ruby: Sasuke!

Jaune: This isn't good!

Without hesitation, the Beacon students began chasing after the Nevermore. Meanwhile, Sasuke breaks free from the Nevermore's grip and climbs on top of the Nevermore. As he stabs at the Nevermore's neck with his Kunai, it does little damage. 

Sasuke: Damn it!

Sasuke hangs on tight as the Nevermore picks up speed. Meanwhile, the Beacon students continue chasing after the Nevermore.

Jaune: Guys? That thing's circling back! What are we gonna do?

Weiss: Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us.

Ruby: I'm not leaving anyone behind!

With that, Ruby coordinated her new team along with Jaune's in an attempt to bring the Nevermore down. Meanwhile on top of the Nevermore, Sasuke continues making his way to the head of the Nevermore while trying not to fall. Once he gets close to the head, Sasuke readies another Chidori attack and charges at it. He then jumps and lands the Chidori strike on the top of the Nevermore's head. 

The Nevermore screamed in pain, causing it to descend. Ruby saw this.

Ruby: Now's our chance! Let's take it down!

As the students coordinated their attack, Ruby uses her Semblance to propel herself closer to the Nevermore. Soon enough, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang work together to behead the Nevermore. As the Nevermore crashes to the ground, Sasuke takes a moment to collect his bearings. He looks to see Ruby and Yang along with Blake and Weiss visibly exhausted. He gives them a simple nod. After that, the Beacon students made their way to the cliffs along with the students, passing the initiation. Later, the teams were being formed based on the relics they got.

Ozpin: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!

As Ozpin made his announcement, Ruby was in total shock. Yang hugged her half sister.

Yang: I'm so proud of you!

Ozpin: It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year.

Ozpin then turns his attention to Sasuke. The relic Sasuke had coincidentally matched the ones Team RWBY got. 

Ozpin: Now that's interesting. I wonder how this relic wound up on the ground?

Sasuke: It appears that I'm the only one without a team. 

Ozpin: Having a one person team would bring about unnecessary complications. That is why I have decided to put you with another team, making it a five member team. And that team will be....Team RWBY. 

As Ozpin said this, Sasuke turned to his new teammates. While he was annoyed at this arrangement, Sasuke couldn't help but have a degree of respect for them. However, Sasuke would not let this arrangement stop him from continuing his mission of vengeance. For now, only time would tell of what would become of this new team. 

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