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(Just a quick side note. In case the description didn't give it away enough, there is a mention of abuse and profanity (what were you expecting? Mike is kinda the lord of swearing (and god-awful puns)) Anyway,I hope you enjoy my story, don't forget to comment and all that awesome stuff! I love hearing from you guys :D)

It had been 3 months since you and your parents had started fighting. Things in your house would just get out of control, and the smallest mistake could set off a chain reaction. Sure, in the past, you and your parents had the occasional bickering, you would storm off to your room and everything would be fine the next day. But what you didn't realise, was that something so minor as a phone call, could crack your life in two.

You had been staying with your friend for the weekend for a gaming fest with games such as Skyrim, Black ops 2, Minecraft, League of Legends and World of Warcraft. You weren't the kind of girl who would stay up talking about boys or painting nails all night, you preferred to get you hands dirty, defend yourself and get on with life. It was around 3:00 am that your friend, Jasmine, started to get drowsy. You didn't mind though, you were used to doing all-nighters, so you didn't get tired as easily. It was as Jasmine yawned for what must of been the 20th time, that you put down your controller and paused the game you were playing, which was currently Skyrim.

"J? You ok,? You look really tired..." you said to your friend who nodded her head and yawned yet again. "I'm fine (y/n)...just a little sleepy" She stretched and rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, if you're sleepy, then why don't you go to bed?" You got off of the beanbag you were sitting on and stretched. Jasmine seemed to ponder this for a second, before shaking her head. "I'm not going if you aren't, (y/n)" At this you smirked.

Jasmine wasn't as quite as 'Thug life' as you. She preferred to let someone else do the leading and she would quite happily follow. You had been 'Teaching' her about how to stand up for herself by making her do small tasks,like asking for her money back when she had been overcharged. You supposed you could let this small step back slide, but she would pay by going 2 steps forward towards confidence tomorrow. Besides, you were getting kinda tired yourself. So with all said and done, you turned off the console and crawled under the warm covers of your bed. You flicked off the light and rolled to face the wall, murmering a "G'night" to Jasmine. What you didn't realise was that your parents had been trying to get a hold of you for hours and left countless messages and calls on your now silent phone, and man, were they gettin' pissed.

(A/N) This is my first story 'bout this, so stop me if i start rambling. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, we'll be meeting Mikey soon!)

BrOKen (Mike Schmidt X Runaway!Reader) FNAFWhere stories live. Discover now