Fire (Bad Ending)

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(Your P.O.V)

This was it, the last night of shit in that fucking hell-hole I'm forced to call my job. Mike and I got ready for work, occasionally poking each other in the ribs. We grabbed some toast and shot out the door, already late for work. We jumped into the car and raced off.

-time skip brought to you by Vincent drooling over toast-

We skidded to a halt outside the pizzeria, running to the door and throwing it open, laughing. We took our places in the office, the same set-up as last time; Mike on cameras, me on lights and doors. The bell had already rang and as Mike picked up the tablet, Bonnie was already in the west hall. I checked both lights. Nothing.

"(Y/n)!?" Mike squeaked, terrified.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"The animatronics...they're gone..." He began, as the power went out.

"Mikey!" I yelled. All I saw was Freddy behind him before I felt a pain in the back of my head and everything went black.

I woke up in the back room, my hands, legs and stomach tied to a chair. I looked around frantically for Mike. The light came on and I saw him tied to the bench in the middle of the room. The animatronics walked in, Freddy in the lead. "Y-y-you two have been v-v-v-very naughty! Y-y-ou're not s-s-s-supposed to walk around w-without your suits on!" Freddy waggled his finger and walked over to the closet. He pulled out two empty suits. One was a grey dog-like one with a red collar that had a gold name chip that read "Mike". The other was a (f/c) (f/a). I struggled against the bonds, trying to get to him. Freddy opened up the suit while the other three tried to force him inside. The sharp crossbeams and wires sliced through his delicate skin as he screamed out in pain. "(Y/N)!!!!" He cried, tears streaming down his face.

"NO!, NO! STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALOOONE!" I screamed, watching as my lover was murdered in front of me. "(Y-y/n)..." he weakly cried. "I l-love you.." I saw his eyes drift away as they slammed the suit closed and fixed the head on. "MIKE! NOOOOO!" I cried, sobbing as they walked over to me. I didn't even try to fight, what was the point? They dragged me over to the open suit and I stepped back into it, the sharp corners and wires piercing my skin. They pushed me further into it, parts jamming straight through my legs. (The next two lines are optional. If you don't have these on the suit, then skip them.) The tail part jammed into my tailbone, splintering the tiny bone there. Two sharp wing joints jammed into my back. I was screaming out in pain, my eyes not leaving Mikes suit slumped in the corner. "I love you t-too...Mike Schmidt..." I mumbled as my vision darkened. The head was forced onto mine and I saw out of the two eyeholes. Freddy walked up to me, a warm smile on his face. "Welcome to Freddy's"

30 years later

(??? P.O.V)

My broken and tattered suit powered on, the joints creaking as I stood up and moved my glowing eyes to face the camera. I saw the light turn off and wandered out of the room, slowly making my way to the office. I stopped when I heard a noise from my room again.

It wasn't the decoy 'hello' the guard used to lure me around. I wandered back in and noticed a door I hadn't seen before. I opened it to find two other animatronics there. A grey dog and a (f/c) (f/a). They hadn't been turned on, and their suits were still in perfect condition. I powered them on, both of their eyes lighting up as they looked around.

(Your P.O.V)

I opened my eyes, looking around. I raised my hand to see I was in the same suit I had been stuffed into. It wasn't a nightmare, this shit was real. I looked beside me. "Mike?!" I asked as the other suits head turned towards me. "(Y/N)!!!" He cried, hugging me close.

"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice asked. I turned to see a golden green bunny looking at us. It was tattered and falling to bits, but I could male out a human corpse inside and white, human eyes. "Vince?" I asked. He nodded and I leapt into his arms. "I missed you, you crazy purple toast fucker." I grinned. He hugged me back, His rough nose nuzzling my cheek. "I missed you too, kitten" he purred. I let go and held Mike's hand as him and Vincent nodded to each other. "Now..." Vince grinned, pointing with his thumb to the office. "Lets go have some fun..."

(Still Your P.O.V)

Killing the guard was easier than I expected. He wasn't nearly as good as me and Mike were. It was his last night too. We all grinned as Springtrap, which was what Vincent was now called, came out of the closet with some gasoline and matches. "Lets get out of this hellhole..." he grinned. We all nodded and set to work, throwing gasoline everywhere. We got out of the building and the matches were handed to me. "Go ahead..." Springtrap started. "...You deserve it" Mike finished. I walked forwards, striking the match. "I hope you die in a fire~" I sang, throwing the match onto the building, watching it catch fire. Springtrap and Mike held my hands as we walked away, to the beginning of our new life.

We will come back....

We always do.

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