Wake up Call

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(Your P.O.V)

The boss showed me around before handing me a hat that said 'Night Watch' on it in big bold letters. "Your shift starts tomorrow at 12, though I'd get here a bit before that so that your co-worker can help you get to grips with everything." The boss' jolly-ish voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Co-worker?" I asked, perching the cap on my head as he handed me the uniform. It was the same as Mike's. "Yes, his name's Mike. Mike Schmidt. He's kinda an asshole, but I'm sure you'll be ok." He shrugged before walking towards an office. "Be here at 11:45 sharp, goodnight." He walked into his office before closing the door. "Bye..." you mumbled, turning and walking to the door.

(Mike's P.O.V)

I parked up outside of Doll's house around 6:12 am. She'd be asleep and I couldn't wait to get some shut eye myself. I took out my keys and went to unlock the door.

It swung open before the key even touched the lock

This wasn't right, Doll always locked the door after I went to work. I pushed open the door quietly and checked the house. No body here. I walked over to the bedroom. My bedroom. I pushed open the door, my eyes widening at the sight before me. Doll was there, in MY bed, with another man. I felt hot tears slip down my cheeks as I backed away. It was then that Doll decided now was a good time to wake up. Her eyes met mine and the look of "Oh Shit" came across her face. "M-mikey..It's not-" She began. "DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT!" I screamed, causing the other guy to wake up, the same look coming across his face. Why? Why would she do this?

I didn't hear what you were saying.

I live on raw emotion baby

I answer questions never maybe

and I'm not kind if you betray me

I honestly wanted to kill them both. I wanted to shoot them and watch them bleed. I backed out the door, shaking my head. "You know what...You can fucking have her..." I growled, more tears rolling down my cheeks. I turned and ran.

If you needed love, well then ask for love

Could have given love,

Now I'm takin' love,

And it's not my fault,

Cause you both deserve

what is coming now,

So don't say a word.

I turned and ran, slamming the door and jumping into my car. I needed air, I couldn't breathe. I drove to the park, trying to get the image of doll and that other guy out of my head.

(Your P.O.V)

I turned and walked out of the pizzeria, the animatronics eyes boring into the back of my head. "So what now?" Came Vincent's smooth voice. "I don't know" I mumbled quietly. It was still the wee hours of the morning and I needed to sleep for my shift tomorrow. "Sleeping would be a good idea, but where?" I could almost feel Vincent tapping his chin in thought. "I remember there being a park here, we could crash there?" I mumbled, already walking in the general direction of the park. "Sounds like a plan" Came Vincent's voice. Even though he's in my head, it's nice not being alone.

BrOKen (Mike Schmidt X Runaway!Reader) FNAFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora