Old Friends, New Allies

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(Mike's P.O.V)

I jogged to my car and climbed into the drivers seat, sticking the key in and starting the engine while fastening my seatbelt. A light pink dusted on my face. She actually wanted the job? As in, THIS job? The one job on Earth that could get you killed on your first night and SHE WANTED IT? "Calm down Mike, calm down..." I sighed as I turned in my seat to reverse out of my parking spot, my eyes landing on the new girl. I smiled slightly and watched as the boss walked up to her. They exchanged a few words before he escorted her inside, all the while with his hand gently on her shoulder. I grit my teeth and let out a low growl. "What the fuck Man? You have a girlfriend..." I shook my head, reversing out of the spot and heading for home.

(Your P.O.V)

I watched as he jogged off to his car. "Mike Schmidt huh? He's kinda cute y'know..." Came a voice from my head. "Considering your a guy, Vincent, I'm kinda freaked out..." I mumbled back. Vincent is the voice in my head that I've had since I was born. He is a sentient being and from what I've gathered from him, he was once alive. He apparently worked at Freddy Fazbears pizza and was a night guard once, before switching to the day shift.

He was killed when he attempted to hide from the spirits of the 5 children he had murdered in a spring locked animatronic suit. Due to the damp moisture in the air and the fact that it hadn't been used in ages the suit's spring locks snapped shut, crushing Vincent inside and eventually killing him. I don't blame him for killing the kids though, in the end he did get what he deserved. At least he can still talk and he isn't lonely, wherever the fuck he is.

Weird thing is though, I sometimes dream about him. I see him as a completely purple man with awesome hair. (What? I like guys with ponytails :3) We'd sit and talk for a while, and now that I know he won't and can't hurt me, I've stopped having nightmares.

I was pulled out of my conversation with Vincent when a plump man who looked like he was sweating hobbled over to me. "E-excuse me Miss...the pizeria isn't open for another 3 hours yet." He said. His voice was quite old sounding, with an English twist. "Oh, I'm not here for that" I said quickly,scratching the back of my head and smiling. "I was wondering if the night guard shift was still open." I lowered my hand and cast my eyes downwards. "I kinda need a job." I looked at him and smiled softly. "Oh! Why yes of course! Do come in, I'll introduce you to Freddy and the gang!" He said, his face turning red as he smiled. He opened the door and guided me in, his hand on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to only now see Mike driving away. "Stalker..." Vincent grumbled.

BrOKen (Mike Schmidt X Runaway!Reader) FNAFWhere stories live. Discover now