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(Your P.O.V)

I opened my eyes slightly, everything a bit fuzzy. I opened my eyes wider and noticed that I wasn't in the park anymore. I sat bolt upright, looking around quickly. "Where the fuck am I?" I mumbled to myself. "Don't ask me.." Vincent shrugged. I got off of the bed that I was currently laying on and looked around the room. No tell-tale signs of who lived here. I opened the door and heard the sound of something cooking. I poked my head tentatively around the door and saw the guy from earlier. "Mike?" I asked, coming into the room. He turned his head and looked at me, his expression the same.

"Finally up I see" He turned back to whatever he was cooking, which smelled like (favourite food) "Care to explain how and why I'm here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and flopping onto a chair. "I found you on a bench at the park, so I brought you here." He said, not looking up from the cooking. "Oh...Thanks I guess" I said, rubbing the back of my neck tiredly. He finished cooking and plated it up, setting the plates down on the table. "Food" He said, sitting down. I got up and dragged myself over to the table, sitting opposite him. We ate in silence, occasionally catching each other's eye. We finished and I got up to go get changed into my uniform, the food already starting to wake me up.

(Mike's P.O.V)

She left the room to get changed as I washed up. Jesus, was this awkward or what? I boiled the kettle and made two cups of coffee, leaning against the worktop and sipping it as I waited for her to finish changing. I was not looking forward to tonight, another five nights at fuckboys? No thank you. And to top it all off I'm gonna have to look after her too. Jesus, can this day get any fucking better? (That's sarcasm by the way) She walked through around 5 minutes later in the same uniform as me, her (h/l) (h/c) hair tied into a ponytail (if your hair is short then it's the same as normal) I have to admit, she looked pretty cute. Not as if I'd ever say that to her though...

(Your P.O.V)

I came back into the room after I had finished changing and Mike handed me a coffee. I thanked him and we yet again stood in silence. Finally, 11:45 rolled around and we got into his car and drove to the pizzeria. We drove in silence, seriously, what is up with this guy and silence? "I still don't like this guy..." Vincent mumbled. "You don't like any guy, Vincent" I mumbled back, cracking a smile. "You say something?" Mike asked. "Uh, no I was just talking to myself." I said quickly, turning to face the window. "Kay then..." Mike shot a quizzical look to the back of my head and continued driving. "I know, I don't like anyone but you. Seriously, if I was still kickin', I would totally date you. I'm surprised this 'Mike' guy isn't drooling all over you." Vincent always knew how to make me smile as I blushed a bit. Mike glanced over at me to see me smiling and blushing. He parked the car at the pizzeria and reached over, putting a hand onto my forehead. This made me jump and I looked at him quizzically. "Whaaaat are you doing?" I asked, my eyes wide. "You were all red, I'm checking to see if you have a temperature." He mumbled, feeling my forehead. "Okaaaay then..." I said quietly as he took his hand away. I could hear Vincent growling in my head. "Oh god, please let me kill him" He growled. I laughed quietly as we both made our way into the death trap that was Fuckboys.

BrOKen (Mike Schmidt X Runaway!Reader) FNAFWhere stories live. Discover now