Seriously, a mission already?

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“Hey guys” I said awkwardly.

“You leave this morning saying you have found yourself and you return at night but with Kiba. Why?” Rin asked.

“I wanted to spend some alone time with Kiba but our friends kept following us and this was the only place I new we could be left alone, if you didn’t find out we were here” I said.

“How long did you think you could stay here undetected?” Shi asked smirking.

“At least till after dinner” I said truthfully.

“We shall have dinner together. No complaining” Rin said before he clapped his hands.

A few waiters came out and took the table away.

“Come along” Rin added and he started walking away.

I sighed but grabbed Kiba’s hand and followed.

“You sure have changed” Kiba muttered.

“Shut up” I growled.

“So Kiba, do you plan on breaking my sister’s heart?” Shi asked as she appeared on Kiba’s other side.

“Shi…” I groaned.

“What? I want to know so I can prepare to kill him later” Shi explained with a shrug.

“If anyone is going to kill Kiba for breaking my heart, it would be me” I said.

“Thanks?” Kiba asked unsure.

“Don’t worry, you won’t die” I said smiling at Kiba.

“Here we are” Rin said from in front of us.

We sat down at the table, Kiba and I on one side, Shi and Rin on the other.

“So Kiba, how many girls were you with while Darci was gone?” Shi asked.

I was curious about this question so I turned my full attention to Kiba.

“None” Kiba said.

“Really?” I asked shocked a little.

Kiba nodded before he sent me a smile.

I smiled at him and took his hand in mine.

“I have decided that you can be with my sister” Shi said nodding.

“I was going to be with Kiba even if you both said no…” I said.

“But if you get her pregnant before age 20, we will come and kill you” Rin said.

“Rin!” I snapped.

Rin was about to reply when Francis came out with dinner.

“I’m sorry your night was ruined” he said to me before he and the waiters left.

“That was odd” I said before we all dug into our food.

During dinner Rin and Shi kept interrogating Kiba.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he hated them now.

“Sorry about them” I said as I closed my bedroom door.

“It’s fine. They just scared me a lot” Kiba said.

“Well, you only saw them for tonight. Do you want to head back to the village now or stay here for a few more hours?” I asked.

“Can we stay here? I’d rather not go home when my mum and sister are awake” Kiba said.

“We can spend the night here. Rin and Shi won’t mind. We’ll just have to leave before breakfast tomorrow” I said as I walked over to Kiba.

Who is He Really? *Sequel to 'Who Cares if I'm Orochimaru's Daughter'* {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now