Pit Stop

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Darci's POV

"Before we head to the Leaf, there is somewhere we need to go. It is out of our way, but it has to be done" I told the guys.

"Whatever it is, we are behind you" Michi said determined. I nodded.

"We need to go to the sound village. There is something there that I need" I explained. They nodded. I stopped on a tree branch and thought for a moment. I sighed.

"Darci?" Tarou asked. I looked at them.

"On second thought, I need to get this alone. You know the way to the Leaf Village. Go there. Go to the Hokage building and ask to see Lady Hokage. When you get there, tell Lady Hokage that she is right. Tell her that her suspicions are correct" I instructed.

"About what Darci?" Hotaka asked frowning.

"There is no time. Just do it, please" I asked them. The four brothers nodded.

"At least let one of us come with you" Ryota stated. I sighed. They weren't going to let me go alone.

"Fine. Hotaka can come with me" I said. Hotaka nodded and joined me on the tree branch.

"Be careful" I warned the other three.

"You as well" Ryota said before I watched him, Michi and Tarou leave.

"Shall we get going?" Hotaka asked. I nodded and started running/jumping toward the sound village. It was silent as we traveled.

"Darci, can I ask what we are going to go get?" Hotaka asked. I hoped he wouldn't ask that.

"Look, Hotaka, there is a lot of things you don't know about me. There is a lot of things no one knows about me. I think.....I think it would be best if it stayed like that until the time is right" I answered. Hotaka didn't reply.


Third's POV

The three brothers followed a leaf ninja to the Hokage building.

"Go on in" he told them once they reached a door. Ryota, being the eldest of the three, went first. Inside he found a group of people.

"May I help you?" a blonde lady in a chair asked. Ryota figured she was the Hokage.

"Yes Lady Hokage. I am Ryota and these are two of my brothers, Michi and Tarou. We are from the Maki clan and hail from the Land of Wind. We have a message for you. From Darci" Ryota said. Everyone in the room was silent. They all watched Lady Hokage.

"And what message would that be exactly?" Lady Hokage asked.

"Darci informed us to tell you that your suspicions are right." Ryota answered. Lady Hokage's eyes went wide.

"What are they talking about Milady?" Sakura asked. Lady Tsunade sighed.

"I cannot tell you Sakura. I cannot tell any of you. It is not my place to say. It is Darci's." she stated.

"Do you know?" Sakura asked the Maki brothers. They shook their heads.

"I would be surprised if you did. I didn't think Darci would know. Orochimaru wouldn't have told her" Lady Tsunade said, mostly to herself.

"And can someone get me Jiraiya? You may all go. Sakura, please show the Maki brothers to a hotel. They look like they need to rest." Lady Tsunade added. Everyone nodded and left. Tsunade turned her chair around and stared out at the village. A few minutes passed before Jiraiya walked into the office.

"You wanted to see me?" he inquired. Tsunade turned around with a grave expression on her face.

"We were right. Darci knows. She confirmed our suspicions through some of the Maki clan" Tsunade said. Jiraiya frowned.

"Why now? It doesn't make sense" he stated. Tsunade looked at Shizune.

"Please leave us Shizune. This isn't for your ears" Tsunade said. Shizune was shocked but she left.

"What do you think Darci is doing?" Jiraiya asked. Tsunade sighed before she looked him in the eye.

"I think she is reuniting herself with her sister." Tsunade said. Both Sannin looked worried.

Darci's POV

I stood at the door to the base.

"Darci?" Hotaka asked.

"I need to go inside alone. Stay here and keep an eye out" I instructed.

"If you wish" Hotaka replied. He was always the one who got me the most. I opened the door and walked inside. Like the other bases, it was dark. I started running through the hallways. I knew exactly where I needed to go. Getting there, I opened the door and walked inside. Laughter escaped my lips as I saw it.

"Oh, how much I would give to see father watch this moment" I muttered to myself. Walking over to the computer, I started hitting buttons.  After hitting a sequence of buttons I turned to the middle of the room. and the glass case that held a person.

"It's astonishing how alike the two of you look" a voice said from behind me. I turned out, taking out both swords. Standing there was a female.

"Sorry to scare you. I'm Ruka. I worked for Orochimaru. You must be his other daughter Darci. It's a pleasure to meet you" the girl said. I frowned. I didn't recall the name, but granted I didn't know everyone single one of father's workers.

"Sorry to break it to you, but we aren't his daughters. Tobi/Madara switched us with his real kid." I said. Ruka frowned.

"I'm sorry to hear that" she said. I shrugged and turned back to the case. The liquid that filled it was slowly emptying.

"Why are you here now?" Ruka asked standing next to me.

"Because there is a war coming, and I need her. It is time Kira woke and lived again. It has been far too long" I said.

"A war? Between who?" 

"The Akatsuki and the Leaf Village"

It was quiet, between Ruka and I as we watched the liquid disappear. Slowly, I lifted the glass case lid and began going over Kira with my hands, checking to see if she was injured in any way.

"You know, you will have to go in there soon" Ruka said as she walked over to the other side of the case. I smirked.

"I know. I'm surprised that my body isn't giving up on me yet. I guess Kabuto strengthened it last time I was in there" I replied. I pulled off the hooks on Kira and took out the tubes. She would wake soon.

"Do you want me to go and get your friend?" Ruka asked.

"Yes please. and take him to a room to rest. I want to be alone with Kira until she wakes up.  We have a lot to talk about" I answered. Ruka nodded and left. I smiled down at Kira.

"It will be good to have you back sister. I've missed you, and you have missed a lot" I said. I knew Kira couldn't hear me, but it felt good to speak to her. Hopefully, she waked within the hour. I needed to prepare her for what was to come. War.

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