Chair issues (:- Mountain x reader

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[Slight Fluff]
[TW slight eating difficulties]

Sitting back in my office chair, I hummed a soft, unfamiliar tune. I know I've heard it before, but I couldn't remember where from. With a huff I stood from my desk, pushing in the chair and stepping over to my office door. Opening my door I looked surprised at the tall Ghoul who must've been mere centimeters away from knocking on the wood of my door.  I flinched back from the Ghoul's large hand as to avoid accidentally getting whacked in the face.  Now realizing that it was Mountain, just from the his height gave him away now that I looked up at him. A nervous smile playing on my face at the sudden meeting. I had never really been able to talk to all of the little basement gremlins, but I had been able to strike up a conversation or two with Mountain, although I'd always end up becoming a nervous wreck afterwards. It was something about the Ghoul that allowed me to simply just, open up, feel safe and protected. Maybe it was the calming aura he radiated, or it could simply because he was a kind and gentle soul that I could never imagine swatting at even the peskiest of fly's.

"Oh, hello Mountain, lovely seeing you here." I struggled to not stutter with every word that came from my mouth. Backing up I gave Mountain his space, offering for him to come inside of my office, to which he kindly declined.

"I apologize about that, I was sent to let you know dinner is ready. Copia said you haven't eaten anything as far as he is aware." My stomach dropped at Mountain's words. I opened my mouth a few times to explain my absence in the dining room, but nothing came out, causing me to ultimately give in to defeat and let my head hang low.

"Thank you Mountain, I'll be right out." My voice was barely above a whisper, making me grateful for the enhanced hearing a Ghoul had. Mountain shook his head, knowing all too well what I was trying to pull.

"I was also told to escort you down to the kitchen to make sure you do actually eat." Mountain crossed his arms stubbornly, making it rather clear that he wasn't about to let me lock myself in my office once more.

I visibly deflated at the the final statement, knowing now I couldn't escape fron my destined fate to eat. "I'm not hungry, truly. Besides I have work that needs to be finished." I decided to try and decline the offer. It's not like I didn't want to eat, it's just the stress had screwed with my appetite as of the late.

Mountain let out a sigh while he lightly shook his head. "Then I shall wait for you to be finished. You shouldn't be holed up in your room like, this." He gestured to the slightly messy room, covered with loose papers, boxes, pens, and a few stray, but small whiteboards.

I grimaced at the state of my office, now realizing how bad it has gotten. "It's fine, truly Mountain, you need to go eat yourself." I eventually let out a sigh of defeat from the stern energy that was radiating off of the usually calm Ghoul.

"What's left that needs to be finished?" Mountain questioned, walking into my disorganized office behind me. "It's just a few translations that Sister Imperator requested, not sure why though."

I sat at my desk, picking up a half finished piece of paper, the ink dried by now. Not realizing I had zoned out, I looked up at Mountain who had cleared his throat in an attempt to regain my attention and snap me back to reality. I rubbed my temples methodically before finishing up the translations before me. It had only taken around half an hour, which meant dinner had most likely just finished. With the return of my ink covered quill to it's pot of ink and a low rumble of my stomach I rested my head on my arms. I felt guilty for delaying Mountains dinner for my foolish actions. Lifting my head and looking over at the earth Ghoul who had situated himself on the floor, organizing and putting papers together, despite my protests.

"You know you don't have to do that, right?" I once again tried to convince Mountain into putting the papers down, but he merely huffed at my poor attempt. "You know we can go get dinner now, right?" Mountain inquired, reminding me of the time.

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