Pillow Fight- Rain x Reader

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I was slapping away Sodo's attacking hands that were trying to tickle the sides of my body with a grin planted on my face. Sodo on the other hand had a determined look from what I could see of his face. I ran over to the couch, the small fire Ghoul hot on my trail as I grabbed a pillow and hit him across the head with it. He was knocked back momentarily before he grabbed his own pillow, taking slow, calculated steps towards me. I honestly couldn't remember how I had gotten myself into this position, carefully backing up from Sodo while he held a pillow tight in his grasp.

A yelp broke through my lips as I narrowly blocked the heavy hit. "Fucking hell! I know you're using a pillow but chill!" Was all I was able to get out before getting smacked in the face.

I glared at Sodo who was laughing at the sound that was made when the cottoney fabric of the pillow case made contact with my face. Launching my own attack I was able to successfully catch him off guard as I assaulted him with the pillow. The two of us were beating each other half to death until a few other Ghouls entered the common room. I was straddling Sodo's waist while I repeatedly hit him with the pillow, leaning back as I tried to avoid getting hit myself. The sound of someone clearing throat broke us from the pillow fight while he simultaneously looked over at the group.

"The hell are you two doing?" Aether stood a few feet away from where me and Sodo were, his arms crossed while he stared down at the two of us with amused disappointment. I looked down at Sodo smacking him one last time before getting up and stepping away from the crime scenes of feathers and swear.

The pillows that we were using had small rips before we used them, but because of this the feathers had flown out with every blow. A few feathers were stuck in my hair and clung to my clothes, occasionally itching my skin whenever it came into contact with my flesh. Sodo flipped me off, standing up and brushing off some of the feathers that had clung onto his own body, obviously being in better condition than I was considering his claws had dug holes into the pillow he had been using. We both looked over at the quintessent Ghoul once more.

"Well, we were having a pillow fight." Sodo began stopping when he watched Aether walk off. I watched while he grabbed both of the pillows we had been using.

He looked up at me, doing a hushing motion as he stepped over to Aether as quietly as pausible before he began his assault on the taller Ghoul. With a roll of my eyes and a chuckle I looked over at Rain, Swiss, and Mountain who had been watching the scene unfold. I grinned over at them, waving my hello and goodbye. Heading out of the common room I decided to go and clean myself off. Apparently somebody else had other plans. Right as I was about to reach the stairs to exit the Ghouls quarters a hand grabbed my wrist. I looked behind me to meet the ocean water blue eyes that belonged to Rain. He softly smiled up at me, nervous at his own action before he lead me back further into the place.

Walking passed the commons he led me down a hallway where the Ghouls bedrooms were. We walked past several doors, each with a name being plastered on the center of the wood. I recognized some, other I didn't, but some of the names had seemed older, more worn out. Assuming that those rooms belonged to the older Ghouls who had worked for past Papas I looked forward once again. Rain stopped at his bedroom door, unlocking it and leading me inside. He let go of my wrist, shutting the door behind me. I turned to look at Rain, who had been watching me as soon as I had entered his room. He stepped forward and plucked a few feathers out of my hair, being gentle as he did so.

A small laugh left my lips as I watched him, struggle to pull a feather out of the upper parts of my hair, not wanting to accidentally pull on the roots and possibly hurt me in the process. I had always loved Rain's shyness, but he did have his moments where he'd peer past his shell and shock everyone by the sudden change in behaviour. Reaching a hand up I helped him pluck the feather out, our hands brushing past each other and I couldn't tell if he had blushed at the contact due to the low lighting of the room. Eventually after about thirty minutes of the two of us cleaning myself of feathers, cracking jokes here and there as we did so. Despite how many times the two of us had hidden away in his room, watching movies and cuddling he never stopped being shy, although he did begin to open up.

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