Katze! - Aether x Reader

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[For the cat lovers, especially since I did one about dogs- thought I'd make it fair]

"I could've sworn that I left the leash here..." I muttered to myself as I continued searching for the leash for my cat. Yes, my cat. It had always been an odd dream of mine to get a cat and be able to walk it. Now here I am, searching for the leash and failing miserably.

I had a small black cat that had pretty green eyes. It was my little child, probably the only living organism that I'd gladly accept as my child. Why? Because I hate children. They are little devil spawns. I'd rather deal with a ghoul kit because that is an actual devil spawns and has the right to be a mini ankle terrorist, unlike the little pink hairless rat looking human babies. No offense to rats at all, but human babies look like pink, deformed ballsacks. Kids are just little shits.

With a triumphant grin, I found the leash and headed over to my cat who was sitting on its little cat tree I had set up near my bed. With a soft sigh and a small hop to my step, I lifted my cat off of the cat tree. 

Smiling to myself like a little kid, I set the animal down on the ground. With the leash hooked and everything ready to go, I exited my room.

The weather was pretty damn nice outside for once. It had been all cloudy and gloomy as of late. So to see zero clouds in the sky and only a bright blue background hanging over the world, felt nice. The breeze was just right, and the sun smiled brightly down at the earth.

With my cat by my sides and the weather just right, everything felt nice. Nobody seemed to be outside either which was even better for me. I'd be lying if I said I liked people being around me, because I don't. It's just too loud and crowded for me. Plus not to mention, a lot of the siblings of sin don't know how to stay out of others business. So all in all, it's a win win for me.

No people, nice weather, my cat by my side, all by myself.

Bumping into a firm, soft chest. I stumbled back a bit. Looking up at Aether who had wrapped a supporting arm around my waist. The quintessent ghoul smiled down at me warmly before helping settle my balance to its rightful state.

"Ah! I sincerely apologize Aether, I wasn't looking to see where I was going" Nervously smiling up at the tall ghoul who simply chuckled and waved my concerns off like it was nothing. "No need to apologize, it happens to the best of us."

"Now, I'm curious, what brings you out here? Other than walking your cat of course." Aether had a calm and relaxed demeanor as he squatted down into a crouch to hold a gentle hand out to my cat.

"Well that'd be about it. I don't have anything planned for the day, so I thought about taking my cat out for a walk." 

The ghoul seemed to think about everything I said before tilting his head to both sides one at a time. Almost as if he had come to an agreement with himself.

"You have a point there don't you. Well, do you mind if I accompany you on this walk?" I looked up at Aether and simply smiled. "I don't mind at all."

"So tell me Aether, how's your day been so far? Done anything interesting yet?" Aether seemed to chuckle at my question as he walked by my other side, opposite of the cat. "Not yet, I've just gotten released for break, so I've got limited time before I head back in for work."

"Eugh, I wish you luck with that. I've heard ghouls have it worse than siblings of sin, is that true?" I glanced up at Aether who seemed to be smiling. "It is true, none of you siblings of sin have to sit and mull over the piles of paperwork that Terzo refuses to do because he's too busy being up Omega's ass all the time, or vice versa."

Shaking my head with mock surprise. It was to be expected of Terzo. Even if he wasn't papa anymore, he still had work to do, yet he either refused to or forgot to. All because he was too caught up with surrounding himself with Omega every second of the day. I wasn't blaming him, Omega was a polite and caring ghoul. Still wouldn't be involving myself with the ghoul every second of the day.

"What have you been up to? Anything interesting happened to you?" Aether turned the question towards me as he looked down at my smaller frame besides his. "Not really, I'm off for the day so I haven't really been able to do much."

"I see, I see.. Do you have any plans for later?" I thought for a moment, taking Aether's question into consideration. "No I don't actually, why do you ask?"

"Just wondering if you wanted to maybe stop by and watch a few movies with me later is all." Aether smiled sweetly down at me as he stopped in front of the door. Stepping inside, I thanked him for holding the door open for me. "I'd love to, what time would you like for me to stop by at?" 

"Anytime after work hours, but I must be going now. It was truly wonderful to get to talk to you while it lasted." Waving my farewell to Aether, I looked down at my cat who could only meow and stare at me. "Well then, guess I have a movie night later."

I smiled to myself and began my trek back to my room. Halfway there I lifted up my cat and finished the small trip. Tonight was going to be a nice night.

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