The Summoning - Phantom x Reader

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[A/N: Short update, just a filler until I can finish up with the two other things I'm working on]

As saddened as I was to see Aether go and help a different Ministry, I was at least comforted with the fact that he'd be back in a couple of months. Until then, there'd be a temporary replacement ghoul for him. A new Quintessent ghoul by the name of Phantom. He was the youngest out of the bunch, but not by much. However, it was slightly noticeable.

I dug my fingers underneath the mattress as I tucked the sheet in, making sure it was clean and perfectly laid out. I double checked and even went as far as triple checking certain aspects of the room. Copia had tasked me with preparing the new ghoul's room, and I had happily obliged to do so. Swiveling my head around, I allowed my gaze to land and nitpick every little thing that I saw until I deemed it perfect. 

Call me a perfectionist if you wish, but I'd rather make a good first impression by ensuring that the new ghoul's room was perfect for when he arrived. The breeze lightly tugged and pulled at my clothes as I walked through the halls. As of late, one of the ghouls had managed to sneak in a large fan down into the ghouls quarters and ever since then it has been rather nice. There was an actual wind flow for once instead of the same stuffy air sitting around. It was a relief in a way.

For some odd reason, I thought it'd take longer for the ghoul to arrive. Oh how I was wrong. Halfway down the corridor I had to step out of the way to allow Copia and the new ghoul to pass. That was, until the Papa decided to take a change in his course of actions and whirl around. His lips were curled up into a bright smile while his papal robes swayed behind him.

"Ah, mio caro! Is everything ready for our new guest?" Copia asked, his hands folding together in front of his chest. I returned the smile and nodded my head. "Yes Papa, everything is ready."

"Wonderful! Could you do me a favor and show Phantom the way to his room? I'm afraid I have some important business to attend to and I don't have much time." Copia's voice sounded slightly pleading as he spoke. "Of course I can."

"Oh grazie! Phantom, this is your new tour guide y/n. I apologize for not being able to finish showing you the way, but I trust that you'll be brought to your room safely." Copia smiled once more before quickly turning on his heel and rushing to wherever he was required to be. 

It was quiet at first, but eventually I spoke up. "It's lovely to meet you Phantom, I'm y/n. I'll be leading the rest of the way to your room." I offered a friendly smile over to the quiet ghoul who seemed to be studying me. The watching gaze didn't bother me as I had expected it from a newly summoned ghoul.

"The pleasure is all mine." Phantom finally said as he followed my footsteps. His gaze never left my back until he finally broke off. "How long have you been here for?"

"Not that long really, it's only been a few years." I answered as I glanced over my shoulder to look at Phantom, only to catch his gaze. He seemed to be quite the observant ghoul from how much he was studying everything new that he saw. "Not that long, aye? Sounds pretty long to me."

"You know what else is pretty long? This-" I gave him a warning side eye which caused him to chuckle. He seemed amused by the way I reacted to his joke. I was simply grateful that he cut himself off when I looked at him. "Don't even finish that sentence."

"Knock knock." I sighed, but ultimately I was smiling. "Who's there?"

"Jo." I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly turned to look up at Phantom. "I already dislike your jokes… Jo who?"

"Jo mama." I ran a hand through my hair, trying to hide the amusement on my face. At least the ghoul was comfortable enough to start making jokes, as horrible and immature as they were. That was a good sign at least.

"Well this is it. I hope you enjoy the room. I wasn't sure what you like so I got basic stuff, you can change things to your liking whenever you like." I smiled up at Phantom as he walked into his new room. 

"Thank you sugar, I appreciate it." Phantom smiled down at me after he was done walking around. I hadn't been expecting the nickname and I couldn't help the way my cheeks lit up with a faint blush. "Of course, it was the least I could do. I'll see you later then."

"I'll see you later, thank you, again."

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