Caretaker - Copia x Reader

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"I've got you dear.." Whispered the man who supported you up with an arm wrapped around your waist. Hot breath methodically hit the back of your neck and brushed up against the tip of your ear. You breathed out a small sigh of relief as Copia helped you back to your feet, steadying your balance. "Thank you…"

Tilting your head to the side, you peered up at Copia. There was a small smile present on both of your faces. A sense of gratitude for the other's presence settled in the air. You weren't sure how you were going to repay Copia after how much he's been helping you ever since you broke your leg a couple of weeks ago.

"Of course amore mio." Copia took your hand, still keeping close to you. You attempted to keep up, but after a minute or two of walking at a slow pace, Copia opted on picking you up and carrying you. Despite your protest, you didn't really mind being carried. It felt nice, and over all you could give walking a break. What made it all the more better was when Copia laid you down on his bed, making sure there was a pillow to prop up your leg.

You smiled to yourself, traces of a faint flush disted across your cheeks. No matter how much time you've spent around the man, you could never get over how truly caring he was. Even if Copia was a man of few words from time to time, it didn't change how often he'd go out of his way to help someone. That's what you loved most about him.

When Copia had returned, he held a bowl of berries for you to snack on while he settled down on the bed beside you. There was no sign of protest when you took the bowl. Flicking your eyes up and towards the TV screen in front of you, you watched as Copia scrolled through things to watch before settling down on something. 

Leaning over, you rested your head on Copia's shoulders, idly popping a few berries into your mouth every now and then. "Is there anything you feel like watching?" Copia asked, his gaze falling on you beside him. You thought for a moment before ultimately shaking your head. "Youtube it is.."

A light chuckle left your lips. If there wasn't anything you two could think of watching, you'd resort to something on youtube. Usually it'd be funny animal videos, instant regrets, or scary videos, but for today, it was animal videos.

Scooting closer to each other, you huddled up together. Sharing each other's warmth and making small talk through the video, commenting on certain clips. You weren't surprised when Copia got especially happy when a clip came on that included a rat. 

Video after video, you two lay there together. Your bowl of berries having been discarded off to the side on a nightstand by your side of the bed. Head resting on Copia's chest and his arms wrapped around your waist. You felt yourself beginning to get drowsy. The late hours fatigue and stress of the day finally catching up to you as you winded down.

Both you and Copia knew it was only a matter of time until you fell asleep. Alas, when it did happen, Copia was all for turning the TV volume down low, getting up and washing his papal paint off. Only to crawl back in beside you and pull you in close, his thumbs rubbing circles into the skin of your back. His chin resting on top of your head so that your face was buried in his chest just how you liked. Copia was still wary of your leg and he paid the utmost attention and care to make sure he wasn't causing you any pain. Every now and then, as he laid there waiting to fall asleep, he'd look down upon your sleeping form and press a gentle kiss on your forehead.

When the time came for Copia to sleep, he happily obliged, knowing you were safe and sound, wrapped up in his arms where he knew he could protect you.

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