Achilles Come Down- Alpha x Reader

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[Mainly Angst to Slight Fluff]
[TW's! Mentions of Suicide]

I was sat up on one of the many roofs of the abbey, my legs swaying off the edge. I honestly couldn't remember how I had gotten up there, let alone why I had gotten up there. It was peaceful, maybe too peaceful for my liking, but I wasn't complaining. The breeze was cool and blew freely, it occasionally tickled the back of my neck with every blow. Both of my hands were rested on either side of my body and for once in my life I felt free of any care and burden that may have bothered me earlier that day.

Life in the abbey had never been easy for me, especially ever since I began befriending the Ghouls. I never understood it, it was like being friends with the Ghouls was frowned upon and ever since I had met Alpha everyone had begun to look at me differently. My friends had slowly stopped talking to me, eventually leading to them avoiding the room I'm in. It was confusing to me at first, but the confusion had long since faded into hurt and looks of disgust. I hadn't even dared to confront any of the papas or my Ghoul friends in fear that they'd call me over dramatic and that it was nothing. I knew otherwise but I had my doubts.

I inched closer to the edge of the roof, peering down at the ground far below me. Even if I didn't die when I came in contact with the ground, with the edge of the cliff so close I was sure to accidentally roll off unless I were to be stopped by something. A sad smile crossed my face at the sudden wave of thoughts that had crossed my mind. It wasn't uncommon to have these life threatening ideas, but it certainly didn't excuse the appearance of them. Still it both bothered but caught my curiosities. I had always wondered what death was like, I mean sure I could ask the Ghouls, but that would sound a little too personal and maybe even rude, so I never did ask. Instead I kept my wonders to myself and fantasized about the time I finally did decide to jump.

I glanced down at the gardens below me, reassuring myself that I was still alone with my thoughts. I knew Alpha would usually come out to the gardens at this time and that usually was my signal to leave and go back inside in hopes nobody had seen me. The gardens were vacant, the flowers and crops being the only thing inhabitating the area. With one final look down at the vast cliffsides surrounding the old abbey, I stood. I honestly wasn't sure what I was planning to do, any thoughts I once had had fled my mind. The only thing that I could actually process was jump.

Maybe if I jumped I could finally free myself from the pain of the world, maybe then the other siblings wouldn't have to be disgusted with my presence. The toes of my shoes were on the edge by the time I realized. It felt thrilling to know that the smallest wrong move could end everything. I finally decided to take the time to enrapture myself in my surroundings instead of looking at everything with dullness that could make even the most extravagant dress seem bland.

The cliffside had a soft cut off, it wasn't jagged and an automatic drop, it was smooth and had a downwards curve that would let water slowly trickle down and off the edge. The grass was lush and flowers flourished at the edge. It was a decently sized ledge, big enough for one or two people to sit on with their legs hanging off the edge. Below was a thick layer of fog covering the multiple towns littering the vast plains. If I strained my ears enough I could hear the faint sounds of waterfalls off in the distance, their usual thunderous sounds of heavy amounts of water falling freely sounded more peaceful, more calm and welcoming. Maybe if I looked hard enough I could make out the hundreds of small rooftops off in the distanced that peeked through the fog, standing as a reminder that the abbey and it's clergy weren't alone in this chaotic world.

I held my hands to my chest and took a deep breath in, that same saddened smile still plaguing my facial expression. I took in all the smells, picking out the ones I favored most and I kept those scents with me when I finally, took that last step forward. It was almost terrifying at first, the way everything almost seemed to be put into slow motion as I leaned forward, one foot off the edge and my body following my movements. The way my surroundings had changed I almost hadn't noticed the frantic yelling from behind me, but when I did, it was already too late. My body had just barely begun it's descent when I finally registered it all.

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