Cast The Bronze- Ifrit x Reader

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[Suggested by HellThornies]

I was sat on the ground, the grass a lush dark green and the flowers were bright and standing proudly, trying to get as much sun as possible. My notebook sat in my lap as I drew whatever came to mind. A soft tune never leaving my head as the led of my pencil left thick, thin, straight, and curvy lines on the white paper. I smiled up at the Ghoul who had came running over to where I was sat. He grinned down at me, plopping down onto the grass besides me. It was Ifrit, my best friend who had never left my side ever since I had arrived at the abbey.

"Did you have your fun?" I asked, returning Ifrit's excited smile with my own. He nodded happily, his Ghoul tail wagging. "Swiss thought it was Sodo who threw the pie at him." It was obvious Ifrit was rather proud about what he had done.

I laughed at the way he propped his elbows up on his thighs after he had spent about a minute crossing his legs, shifting around, and finally getting comfortable. He looked at me with a sheepish look, knowing how dramatic he had acted only moments before. I watched him lean over, attempting to peer at what I had been drawing and I shifted my notebook away just to piss him off. My action had worked and I recieved a huff from the fire Ghoul. With a soft chuckle I showed him the drawing; it was nothing special, it was just a rough sketch of the abbey with a few Siblings of Sin chatting off to the side.

I was just expecting Ifrit to examin my drawing, but what I hadn't expected was for him to just snatch my entire notebook from me. Furrowing my brows at him I watched him begin to flip through the pages. Doing what most people would, I reached to grab my notebook back, but he only moved away, scrambling up and onto his feet. With a groan and a knowing smile I stood, making several attempts to grab my notebook from Ifrit's grasp.

I was chasing the Ghoul around, laughing at the way he dramatically dodged my grasp. Stopping after a few minutes, I had to catch my breath while Ifrit stood a few feet away from me, looking triumphant about what he had done. Flipping him off I took a deep inhale, breathing in the smells around me. I watched Ifrit run inside, coming out minutes after but he no longer had my notebook. Raising a questioning brow at him I rested my hands on my hips, watching as the Ghoul walked over to me.

"Did you know there's a high chance it'll start raining?" I shook my head with a smile. "Yeah I did, because I was the one who told you that." Ifrit feigned being hurt, dramatically stomping off.

He stopped and quickly looked at me. "How rude of you to be so sassy." I let out a small laugh. "I got it from the best." He stopped his dramatic frowning to grin as wide as he could.

"I know, I'm the best." Ifrit smiled proudly, I gave him a smug grin. "I was talking about Swiss." Ifrit loudly gasped, placing a hand on his chest. "How could you! I'm so much better then Swiss!" I lightly hummed. "Agree to disagree."

Ifrit crossed his arms, pouting at what I had said. He turned his back away from me and stared down at the ground and I couldn't help but laugh at the way he was acting. I was going to walk over to the Ghoul, but I stopped when I felt a small droplet of water land on my face, causing me to look up at the sky. A soft smile crossed my face as I stared up in wonder at the dark clouds that looked so fluffy begin to cover the once blue and sunny sky. It took only a few seconds for it to start sprinkling and I looked back down at Ifrit who had turned to face me, a knowing smile on his face.

I sat down on the grass once more, enjoying the feeling of the rain landing on my exposed skin. Ifrit was running around, his arms held out while he ran in circles, leaving a small, faint trail in the ground. He eventually ran over to me, holding his hands out for me to take and I reluctantly did, letting the Ghoul drag me up to my feet. I couldn't help but let my heart melt a bit at the enthusiastic smile Ifrit wore. I let Ifrit begin to spin us around, my eyes focusing on his mask so I wouldn't get dizzy too quickly and he seemed to be doing the same thing.

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