Just Hold Me - Rain X Reader

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[Summary: Rain gets a "little" upset and hits reader, if that triggers anyone then go ahead and skip this]

I smiled brightly as I walked down the halls of the Ministry. The day had gone beautifully. No sister or brother of sin had tried dragging me into their shenanigans and I had gotten done with work fairly quick. Waving a greeting towards Swiss as I passed him, I was feeling good about the rest of the day. As of right now, I was just focused on seeing my beloved little droplet of rain.

Stepping down the stairs to the ghoul quarters, that same smile never left my face. There was a light hop to my step that was a clear sign to anyone that I was happy. The clicking of the heels of my shoes filled my ears and the soft invisible tune of a song played on repeat in my mind. 

With a soft knock and a call of Rain's name, I opened the door. My smile only grew wider as I saw my beloved water ghoul sitting on his bed, a note in hand. Slipping into the room I shut the door behind me.

"What're you reading, love?" I asked, my voice soft and light as I stepped over to Rain. I seated myself on the edge of the bed and watched Rain, trying to figure out what the bassist was up to. "Love?"

"So not only are you a liar, but you're also a pretender." My eyes widened as I stared at Rain in surprise. His eyes immediately locked onto mine as I stared over at him in shock. "What do you mean?"

Rain gave me the paper and I took it into my hands. My brain was desperately trying to wrap around what I was reading.  "Swiss gave it to me."

"I don't understand.. I've never…" My voice trailed off as I continued reading. With each cursive letter and each written word I could feel my heart sink further. "Get out."

"Rain, Droplet, please can we talk about this?" I looked up at the water ghoul, my eyes pleading and desperate. From my simple plea I only received a harsh grunt from Rain. "No. Get out of my room."

My heart sank and broke, but I knew better than to get on the bad side of a ghoul. I weakly nodded as I slowly rose to my feet. Leaving the note where I sat, I took shaky steps towards the door, trying to process all that had just happened. "Wait, come back for a second."

A hopeful look washed over my face as I turned on my heel and stopped, watching as Rain rose to his feet and walked over to me.

I hadn't even registered the slap by the time I hit the ground with a thud. Out of instinct my hand had flown up to gingerly touch the searing red skin on my cheek. My eyes were wide as I sat there and stared up at Rain like a deer in headlights. The fear and shock written over every crease and every line of my face. Fingers trembling and lip quivering, I could feel the all too familiar feeling of tears pricking and scratching at the corners of my eyes. 

"And don't come back, bitch." I hadn't even realized that Rain had been talking that whole time. Crawling up and standing on shaking legs, I stumbled back before exiting the room. My mind was racing. 

Everything seemed to happen all in a flash, from the way I leaned on walls for support to the way I fumbled up the stairs. By the time I reached the top, I was crawling. My skin was pale and looked sickly in a way. Clawing my way back up onto my feet, I rubbed at my eyes, desperately trying to clear my blurry vision. 

Stumbling through the double doors leading to the exit, I fell head first into a firm chest. Through my screaming thoughts I looked up and was met with the concerned look of Aether. "Is everything alright?"

I weakly nodded and stepped past him. I wasn't able to get far before I felt myself being swept off my feet and cradled into the ghoul's arms. "Clearly you're not okay if you're walking around like a newly born deer, stumbling and falling every five seconds."

Aether brushed a gentled claw across the burning red handprint on my face, I could see from the way his purple eyes were focused intently on the handprint that he was trying to piece together what may have happened. "Who did this?" I stayed silent and only leaned into the ghoul's warm embrace, desperately craving any form of comfort.

"Was it Rain?.." I hesitantly looked up at Aether, scared to confirm or deny the question. Although, that was all the quintessent ghoul needed to know to get an idea. 

I was still disoriented by the time Aether had wrapped me up in blankets and offered me a nice cup of tea. By the time I had calmed down, I had already fallen asleep. However when I woke up, I was being held tightly and securely in Rain's arms.

"I'm so sorry my little Anaticula… I should've known better.." The water ghoul was lightly crying as he kept his arms wrapped around my body. "I'm sorry for being so foolish and blindsighted. I should've listened to you.."

I rolled over and offered a small peck against Rain's trembling lips. Sure my natural instinct wasn't to forgive him, but I know he didn't mean it. The truth was to have come out sooner than later in the first place.

"I forgive you my droplet.. I'll always forgive you."

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