Floating Vampire Jesus

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I can feel how the air changes around me before I hear the voices. There's three of them, and that's what I find to be the most curious. I shouldnt have been surprised that the other man sounded upset, Alucard found it enjoyable to annoy people he believed were beneath him.

I hear the name "Belmont" and I jolt awake completely. If a Belmont is here, Alucard might need my help. I trust he can beat a human, but Belmonts were trouble, they always had been, and probably always would be. Especially for vampires.

"Do you care, Belmont?" Alucard asks. His voice is quiet as usual, and a bit rough with disuse. How long has it been since we fell asleep? Weeks? Months? Years, even?

"Honestly, I didn't, no." the other man- the Belmont- answers. "But now... yes, it's time to stop it."

"Do you think you can?"

What are they talking about? Was this about Dracula's war against humanity? Or something different? Who knows how many problems could have arisen while me and Alucard slept peacefully.

"What I think is that I'm going to have to kill you." Belmont declares.

To the humans it seems as though I suddenly appear at Alucards side. "You will not lay a finger on him, Belmont." Both the Belmont and the other woman in the room jumped at my sudden appearance. "I wont allow his death to be sullied by the blade of a mangy mutt such as yourself."

"Belmont, no!" the woman has a strange accent, I can't quite place where it's from. "He's the one we've been waiting for, they both could be!"

Does she think of Alucard, some kind of savior? A god perhaps, destined to save her people? How laughable.

"No, he's not." Belmont insists. "He's a vampire. And I don't know who the hell she is, but I'll make a pretty good guess and say she's one too. And they've not been waiting here for hundreds of years, have you?"

"I don't like your tone, Belmont." Alucard responds. He isn't wearing any shirt, only the pants he was wearing when we went into the coffin; they hang low on his hips. I've always liked those pants on him, I thought they looked good. His bare chest allows me to see once again the nasty pink scar running diagonally across it. It saddens me whenever I see it, I believe it will make me feel the same whenever I look at it. The pain inflicted on him by a man who is supposed to love him, by his own father. It's tragic. The death of Alucard's mother has forever stained both their hearts. Perhaps it stained mine too. 

"This place is old, but it's not been abandoned. It's alive and working. So go on, Vampires. Tell her exactly how long you've been waiting down here." The Belmont goads us, as if we had any idea what year it was. 

"Do I look as though I have a timepiece hidden in the folds of my dress, Belmont? Tell me the year of your lord." I ask the woman. She's god large, round eyes and strawberry blond hair cut short. She's pretty, I'll give her that, and the clothes she's wearing tells me something of where she might have come from.

"1476." the woman answers me.

"Perhaps a year, then." Alucard responds to Belmont. A whole year? Wasted away sleeping? what happened in the time we toiled under here?

"There." Belmont tells the woman, as if that explains his whole point. "And on top of that, what kind of messiah creates mechanical death traps, to buy himself and his escort an uninterrupted nap, in a stone coffin?"

"Those defenses were not meant for you, idiot." I inform them.

"You could have told your defenses that."

"They are machines, nothing more. They were not intended to protect me from you." Alucard is getting tired of the back and forth, I can tell. It isn't getting either of us anywhere. Alucard wants answers, and more importantly wants to know if he has a comrade or an enemy. "I asked you a question- do you care?"

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