Stupid Little Fox

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(Six years Prior)

Adrian and I sat, once again, in the library. It had quickly become one of my favorite places in the castle, with its high walls, covered from top to bottom in books and even scrolls. It's fireplace, and the comfortable chairs next to it. The smell of old books that I loved so much.

Despite the fact I've grown comfortable around the castle, I long to be outside more. I became so used to the outdoors being inside for so long feels unnatural. With the weather being so nice I find myself more often sitting under the shade of trees to read, or laying in the grass to sleep parts of the day away, always with Adrian by my side. we were borderline inseparable by now, and I'd grown used to his company. 

To say I'd grown fond of him would have been understating it, though I would never admit this to myself. I liked him, truthfully, more than I would have wanted to. I could not seem to pull my gaze away from him, especially when nature seemed to bend to his will, the sun shining on his golden hair and making him appear even more beautiful. It did not help that he was witty yet kind, sarcastic yet genuine, and every other trait I craved from another person. 

Three months ago, after being attacked by the night creature, I was appalled to find myself waking up with my head resting on Adrian's shoulder. It was not so much the closeness that bothered me, in fact I quite enjoyed it. That marked the second time I had fallen asleep on the boy, and the fact I didn't want to immediately get up and flee made me worry. It was merely the embarrassment from the entire situation. I couldn't have allowed him to help me, not then, and especially not if it meant my clothes would be removed. I despised the way he makes me feel, like only one other person in my life has before. As much as I wished I could allow him to know me and my past fully, I was afraid once he discovered who I truly was he would be horrified by me, afraid and embarrassed that he'd ever once called me friend.

"So, you cannot run as fast as me?" Adrian asked. We were discussing the limits and extents of our abilities as dhampirs.

"Running?" I question, the pieces finally falling into place. No wonder he was able to get from place to place so quickly. "Is that how you do your little disappearing act?"

"It is." Adrian smiled coyly.

"I'm not sure if I can or not. I don't think I've ever tried to." I had only discovered a few of my inhuman abilities, the most important one being the ability to levitate, which came in handy more often than I would have thought.

"But you can levitate, correct? How did you learn of that ability?"

"When I was younger, a group of older boys thought it fun to chase me around. They'd tease me, pull my hair and try to force me into eating bugs and whatever disgusting things they could find around on the ground. They knew I hated bugs the most, and they would stick them in my hair, or under my shirt." I rolled my eyes. I killed some of those boys later, and smiled when I tasted their blood on my fingers. They were quite a few years older than me, and bigger too. I felt no remorse when I saw the fear in their eyes, they could not beat me all alone just as I could not beat them in a group.

"They chased me up onto one of the tallest buildings, told me all sorts of nasty things, everything their little brains could conjure up. I think they liked watching me struggle to fight knowing I could never beat all of them, even if I was abnormally strong for a little girl. They pushed me off the edge, if it was accidental or not I'm unsure. I suppose my body's natural instincts kicked in to save me, and I began to float a few feet off the ground. Nearly scared the life out of a baker from the next building over and terrifying his little son." I laughed remembering the horrified look on the man's face. "The little boy seemed to think it was funny though, he clapped for me and asked me to do it again." 

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