A Rhetorical House

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A shattered mirror is revealed when Trevor moves the dark curtain. It stands tall, reflecting back a warped, cracked image of what lays in front of it, a thin layer of dust making it appear more dull. "The hell is this?"

"You don't know?" Sypha asks, looking up from the large book open in her hands.

"I don't know." Trevor admits, giving the mirror a puzzled look. His voice is rough, like boots treading over loose pebbles.

"This is your house, is it not Belmont?" I point out, looking down from the bookshelf I sit on top of with Alucard. I'd always liked being up high, able to look down on what surrounded me.

Trevor wipes a hand over the glass, erasing the dust from it and allowing a somewhat clear image to form on its surface. "Do you know everything in your house?" he asks Sypha, who stands behind him amused.

"I don't have a house."

"She doesn't have a house." Alucard and I synchronize. A book is perched in my lap while I sit on Alucards, his head resting in the crook of my neck to read over my shoulder. This had become a common occurrence some years ago, when we got tired of waiting for the other to finish a book before we could read it.  "She's a speaker, a nomad. Do you even know what that means?" I smile smugly, nearly throwing in a barb about him not even knowing how to spell the word. I adjust myself off Alucard's lap, jumping down from the bookshelf, with my husband close behind.

"It was rhetorical." Trevor rolls his eyes.

"A rhetorical house that she doesn't have?" Alucard questions, the two of us looking to inspect the mirror. It has carvings of another language embedded into its frame, though they appear incomplete. It's a magic mirror, that much is easy to tell, a distant mirror from the looks of it.

"Just tell me what it is."

"It was a magic mirror." Sypha explains.

"It is a magic mirror." I insist, running a finger over the carvings.

"Also known as a distance mirror." Alucard tells Belmont, his gloved hand following in the wake of my fingers. "Some of them even allow matter to pass through them, but.." he trails off, eyes narrowing at the object.

"This is just a remote viewing mirror. For now, anyway." I tell everyone, completing Alucards unfinished thoughts. The mirror itself currently did not possess the capabilities to allow passage, but it was possible. "some of the activating language has been chipped, so the runes need recutting. But all in all it's workable."

"You have the most fascinating family junkyard, Belmont." Alucard turns to look at Trevor, who likely had no clue what the mirror was capable of in the first place.

"You're a cockwart, Alucard." Trevor points a finger. "You and your wife."

I merely smile at Belmont's creative insult, glad to have poked yet another one of his buttons. If I was going to be insulted, I had an appreciation for those who do it with flair. It's one of the few skills Trevor posses that I actually admired. Sypha seems to enjoy our little arguments much less however. "Stop it." She grabs Trevor's hand and drags him behind a bookshelf, as if that would stop us from hearing them.

"There is absolutely no way that man washes his ass." I whisper into Alucard's ear, waving a hand in the direction Sypha and Trevor disappeared. Alucard chuckles softly at my joke, I'm glad to see a smile on his face. It's been hard to find things to be happy about, reasons to smile as of late. With everything going on, there's hardly been a chance for either of us to properly consider things. I hate to see him unhappy. 

"I think the stench of alcohol might have been indefinitely permeated into his soul." Alucard agrees, pulling me by my waist to give a feather light kiss on the crown of my head. We both laugh at that, the sounds of our joy mingling with those coming from Trevor and Sypha.

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