An Excessive Amount Of Morning

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Taka is sleeping when I enter his room. How easy it would be for me, to reach over and slit his throat. It would be like cutting a fruit, and watching the juice flow down your hands. Or perhaps I could snap his neck, if I wished. It would not be so hard, not with my strength. It was comforting to know that I was much stronger than they, and that I always would be. It felt as if there was nothing they could try that I could not escape. They are, after all, only humans. Untrustworthy, unfamiliar, oddly friendly humans, but still human nonetheless. How fragile their lives are, compared to mine. Yet, he looked so... peaceful. Like a rabbit, almost. Alucard's sleep was still plagued with memories, and haunted with nightmares. His eyebrows in a permanent scrunch above his eyes, even in sleep. Take looked like he hadn't a care in the world as he lied there, dreaming just as easily as a child. I wondered if I even had it in me to do such a thing to him. I told myself I did, reminded myself of who I was years ago, that I had killed grown men and felt nothing for it. Still, I think to myself, I would not be able to do it.

"Taka." I say sharply, smiling when his body jolts. I hope whatever dream he was having was a good one, and that I interrupted the best part of it. That would at least make me feel better."Get up. We're going out." That is all I say to him, not caring to give him the details. I was not told to be Alucard's messenger, I was only sent to wake him up. I do not care if he comes with, or if he stays in the castle.

It's crisply cold outside, just the kind of weather that I love. It used to make Lisa's cheeks turn a lovely shade of pink that matched the flowers that bloomed in the fields during spring. It does not feel so early in the morning, even though it is. The animals are still out, and the sun is still beginning to peek out from behind the trees and show its face to the waiting world.

It is odd to hear four sets of footsteps, instead of two. I am still not used to the cadence of their steps, the way I am familiar with Alucard's long strides. Taka yawns, wrinkling his nose as his shoulders sack with over animated exhaustion. "I thought we were going to look at the rest of the armory today?" he asks, breaking the silence that had been previously hanging heavy over us. I cannot help but think that if I were not here, it would not be so tense. Part of me likes the idea that I'm keeping things stiff, that I'm what's stopping everyone from being comfortable. I don't want them to be comfortable here. I don't want those humans to view the castle as their safe haven, somewhere they could hang their coat. It was Dracula's castle once, feared by all and known for its dangers. Now it was a training ground for fragile little humans who wanted to kill our kind. Dracula has hardly been dead half a year, and it feels like we are already spitting on everything this place stood for. "If it is in fact, today."

Taka, for his credit, seems to be putting in much more effort than I am. I almost feel bad, as if I'm kicking a puppy every time I reject his advances at a friendship. Whenever I turn a cold shoulder to him, I can't help but feel as if I am betraying him somehow. By now, it is at least half pretense when I shun them away. I do not fully trust them, but I begin to see more and more with each day that drips away, why Alucard has chosen to help them. Never would I admit this to him, even if hot coals were placed on my tongue.

"Taka aren't good in the mornings." Sumi informs us, walking only a little straighter than her twin, but clearly still not enthused about the time of their wake up call. "And this is some extra morning"

"It is so much morning, that it is actually still yesterday." Taka chimes in, taking in his surroundings.

"Perhaps you would not be so tired if you hadn't been up so late "exploring." I chide I do not care if they think I'm rude for implying that they were snooping. I am merely stating what I see, and what I see is two curious little humans, who want to poke their way around my home. Curious humans are dangerous. And they are especially dangerous around here. But I have wasted too much of my breath already trying to convince Alucard of this. He seems to trust them so much already, as if he would put his life in their hands. it would make me jealous, if I didn't feel that tug in my chest as well. Alucard trusts them, so why can't you?

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